interface eth0 directly (not in the satnms configuration file).
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
up route add -net netmask gw
down route del -net netmask
The last two lines sets a static route to the network if the interface goes up and removes this
route if the interface goes down.
5. The VLC connects via Ethernet to NMS. The modem line is used as backup
The last scenario described here corresponds to the previous one, but the Modem or ISDN-TA is connected
but only used in the case that the VLC is not reacheable via the Ethernet interface. Just configure the VLC
for Ethernet and Modem use. Then configure the NMS with both Addresse (Ethernet-IP and PPP-IP) and
the NMS Server tries first to connect via Ethernet and then via the Dialup link.
To access the VLC's Linux operating system, there are basically three methods:
1. Connect a CRT monitor and a keyboard
This is the preferred method, because you can not only access the running Linux operating system but also
the BIOS configuration screen and some MS-DOS based configuration programs as well. It is recommended
to use a CRT monitor rather than a LCD panel as some LCD panels have been reported to refuse syncing
to the VLC's screen resolution.
With the new VLC such problems with LCD panels are not known.
2. Connect a terminal to the ttyS1 serial interface
The VLC accepts a VT100 type terminal (or a PC running a terminal emulation program) at the serial
interface 'ttyS1' (see the diagram at the end of this chapter). You need a special cable for this case, wired as
shown in the diagram below.
The cable, with 9-pin sub-D socket connectors at both sides, connects the pins 2, 3 and 5 with pin 2 and 3
crossed. All other pins are not connected. This is important to avoid any interference with the battery power
supply function which uses the other lines of this interface.
The terminal / PC must be set to 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity. Hardware flow control must be switched
off. When typing
at the terminal, you should get a login prompt.
3. Connect the VLC to the LAN and use telnet to login
The VLC accepts telnet logins at the network interface. If you know the actual setup configuration of the
VLC's Ethernet interface (specially it's IP address), you may con figure a computer to see the VLC in it's
address space and connect this computer via Ethernet to the VLC. Telnet is not prefered for the new VLC's.
(C) 2020, SatService GmbH
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