The installation process consists of the following stages:
Mechanical installation
Electrical installation
Please read the following sections thoroughly before proceeding with the installation.
Ensure that the sensor is positioned so that it is focused on the target only.
Target greater
than spot size
Target equal to
spot size
Target smaller
than spot size
disTance and spOT size
The size of the area (spot size) to be measured determines the distance between the sensor and
the target. The spot size must not be larger than the target. The sensor should be mounted so
that the measured spot size is smaller than the target.
aMbienT TeMperaTure
The PyroMini is available with a choice of two miniature sensing heads, for use in low or high
ambient temperatures:
-Ma models:
The sensing head is designed to operate in ambient temperatures from 0°C to 60°C.
-ha models:
The sensing head is designed to operate in ambient temperatures from 0°C to
180°C. No cooling is required, which saves the energy and cost of supplying air or water to
cool the sensor.
Avoid thermal shock. Allow 20 minutes for the unit to adjust to large changes in ambient
aTMOspheric QualiTy
Smoke, fumes, dust or steam can contaminate the lens and cause errors in temperature
measurement. In these types of environment the air purge collar should be used to help keep the
lens clean.
inTerference frOM MOVeMenT
The low-noise sensing head cable on -HA models is resistant to interference caused by movement.
The sensing head may be mounted on moving machinery such as robot arms without affecting the
accuracy of the measured temperature.
elecTrical inTerference
The PyroMini is tested to industrial standards for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) as shown in
Specifications at the beginning of this manual.
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