Heating Function
Heating flow temperature setting (SATK2210. and SATK2220.)
To set the flow temperature press the <SET> key until the
symbol in the red circle appears. Use the <R> knob to change
the value.
The flow temperature range is:
25–45˚C for SATK2210. (LOW temperature)
45–75˚C for SATK2203. (MEDIUM temperature)
Default Setting: set point regulation
(technical parameter t01 = 0)
When heating cycle activation is requested by the room
thermostat, the circulation pump is powered while the mixing
valve is opened gradually until the set point temperature is
reached. I
In the high temperature models (SATK2230 - SATK2240) the
valve is opened up to the maximum allowed (see Primary Flow
Rate Limitation on page 17)."
The circulation pump is stopped and the modulating valve is
closed at the end of the heating cycle. The heating cycle ON
condition is indicated by the blinking symbol.
OPTIONAL SETTING: primary return temperature limit
(technical parameter t01 = 1)
When heating cycle activation is requested by the room
thermostat, the circulation pump is powered while the mixing
valve is opened gradually until the set point temperature is
reached (in SATK2230 and SATK2240 the valve is open fully, up
to the maximum allowed), if the return temperature is lower
than or equal to the set limit value.
In case this condition is not met, in HIUs with control of the
flow temp.(SATK2210 and SATK2220) the flow temperature is
reduced (by a maximum of 15˚C in SATK2220, and maximum
3˚C in SATK2210, in order to bring return temperature within
the limit values.
In SATK2230 and SATK2204 a reduction of the heating flow
rate is operated. When the flow temperature/flow rate must be
reduced in order to limit return, the icon appears on the
To set the flow temperature press the <SET> button until the
symbol in the green circle appears. Use the <R> knob to change
the value (*). The primary return limit temperature range is:
15–42˚C for SATK2210 - LOW temperature
30–70˚C for SATK2220 - MEDIUM temperature
Heating flow/ primary return limit temperature setting
To set the flow temperature press the <SET> key until the
symbol in the red circle appears; for the return temperature
limit press the key until the symbols in the green circle are
displayed. Use the <R> knob to change the value
The flow temperature range is:
25–45˚C for SATK2210 - LOW temperature
45–75˚C for SATK2220 - in MEDIUM temperature