The Caldera is a hot barbecue. It is designed to
kind. Heat is radiated by the stainless steel flame tamers
provide the benefits of open grilling in all types
positioned beneath the cast iron cooking grills.
of weather.
DO NOT turn more than two
burners to high and put down the roasting
Note: The hot grill sears the food, sealing in the juices.
. Doing so can cause damage to the valves
The longer the preheating time, the faster the meat
and ignition system. Operating the barbecue with
sears and the darker the grill marks. Proper preheating
more than two burners on high is acceptable if
also aids in preventing food from sticking to the grill
the roasting hood is left up.
The Caldera has been designed to burn hotter at
the rear of the barbecue than at the front. After
using your Caldera a few times you will quickly
To load the skewer, begin with the handle in place and
learn to use the heat differentiation to your
slide one of the meat forks (prongs toward the food)
advantage while cooking.
onto the skewer. Slide the remaining meat fork/prongs
onto the skewer from the opposite end. Center the
Each burner is rated at 18,000 BTUs/hr. The
product to be cooked on the skewer, then push the
grill burners encompass the entire cooking area
meat forks firmly together. Tighten the wing nuts. With
and are side ported to minimize blockage from
the barbecue grill off, place the skewer such that the
falling grease and debris. The igniter/control
pointed end rests firmly in the motor receptacle with
knobs are located on the front panel.
the other being supported on the “keeper” on the
grove in the right side of the roasting hood.
Make sure the grill has been leak tested and is
It may also be necessary to wrap the food with butchers
properly located. Remove any packing material.
string (never use nylon or plastic string), to secure any
Grilling requires high heat for searing and proper
loose portions. It is normal for the skewer to flex when
browning. Some foods are cooked at the
larger cuts of meat are being cooked. It may also be
“HIGH” heat setting for the entire cooking time. necessary to remove the cooking grills for larger cuts
However, when cooking large pieces of meat or
of meat. If the meat scrapes on the cooking grills
poultry, it may become necessary to turn the heat
during any part of the rotation, then the grills must be
to a lower setting after the initial searing. This
removed. Assemble the counter weight with washers
cooks the food through without burning the
and handle to counter balance the heaviest side of the
outside. Foods cooked for a long time or basted
meat. By using the counterweight the rotisserie should
with a sugary marinade may need a lower setting
turn more smoothly through all 360 of rotation.
near the end of the cooking time.
Plug the rotisserie motor power cord into a 120VAC
Light the grill burners using the instructions in
grounded GFCI protected outlet. Ignite the burners
this manual. Preheat the grill for a few minutes.
on “HIGH” as you would for grilling purposes and
turn the motor on using the rocker switch. Turn the
Place the food on the grill and cook to the desired
burners to low or medium. Close the roasting hood.
doneness. adjusting the heat setting as necessary.
After five minutes, turn the central burners to the
The control knob may be set to any position
“OFF” position and adjust the remaining outer
between “HIGH” and “LOW”
burners to a medium setting for the remainder of the
cooking time. In general, you do not want direct heat
Note: The grill is designed to grill efficiently
underneath the food on your rotisserie rod. Check
without the use of lava rocks or briquettes of any
cooking progress regularly.