Property Insurance —
Stores and recalls annual
property insurance in either percent or dollar
amount. If entered as a dollar amount, a second
press converts to annual percentage rate. If
entered as a percentage, a second press shows
annual dollar amount. Entering the number 10
or less is assumed to be an annual percentage.
Calculated from the sales price.
Note: Tax & Insurance entered as dollar
amounts will remain fixed, even if sales price
or loan amount is changed. However, if entered
as a percentage of sales price or loan amount,
these items will automatically be re-calculated
if sales price or loan amount are changed.
Used to permanently set the number of dis-
played decimal places (see the section on
Decimal Place Selection). Also works with other
keys to set or activate additional functions.
(Think of it as a “shift” key on a typewriter.) It
will perform the function printed above the key
on the calculator’s face. A small boxed “S” will
appear in the upper-left side of your display
when this key has been pressed.
[Set] [÷]
Payments per Year —
Used to set the number of
payment periods per year. Default value is 12,
for monthly. Note that if you change this setting,
it will remain permanently stored even if you
turn the calculator off. You must perform an All-
Clear ([Set] [x]), or reset to 12 payments per year
(12 [Set] [÷]).
[Set] [x]
All-Clear —
Clears and resets the calculator to
its default settings and values. Use this only with
caution as it will reset ratios, periods per year,
etc. back to default settings (see the appendix
for a list of these settings).
6 – Qualifier Plus