TTU-12x0 Hardware & Installation Guide - PULS Wiki
The TTU-12x0™ provides the following I/O:
Digital Inputs
Input 0: Ignition Sense (Always biased low)
Input 1: Generic Digital Input (high or low bias per S-158)
Input 2: Generic Digital Input (high or low bias per S-158)
Input 3: Not Available
Input 4: Motion Sensor (low = no motion, high = motion)
Input 5: Power Switch State (low = external power, high = internal battery)
Input 6: Battery Voltage Critical Sensor ( low = VBatt ok, high = VBatt low. 3000mV threshold)
Input 7: High Temperature Sensor (low = below Temp Threshold, high = above Temp threshold. Temp
Threshold = 300)
Analog to Digital Inputs
A/D 0: Power Supply Monitor
A/D 1: Not Available
A/D 2: Battery Power Supply Monitor
A/D 3: Internal Temperature Sensor
Output 0: Standard Open Collector Relay Output
Output 1: Standard Open Collector Relay Output
Output 2: Standard Open Collector Relay Output
Output 3: Not Available
Output 4: Power Supply Switch (cleared = switch to external power, set = switch to internal power)
Output 5: Enable/Disable Battery charging (cleared = enable battery charging, set = disable battery charging)
3.5.1 Motion Sensor Input
The TTU-12x0™ supports an internal motion sensor as one of its discreet inputs. In this case, the TTU detects motion when
the input is in the High state. If the TTU does not detect motion, then the input will be in the Low state. No external
connections are required for this functionality to be operational.
3.5.2 Power State Input
The TTU-12x0™ can detect if it’s using external power or if it’s using its internal back-up battering. If the TTU-12x0™ is
using external power, this input will be in the Low state. If they have switched to the internal battery, then the input will register
in the High state.
3.5.3 Battery Voltage Critical Input
The TTU-12x0™ has a built in low battery threshold of 3000mV, which is tied to a discreet input. If the battery level is above
the threshold, then the input is in the Low state. If the battery level is below the threshold, the input will be in the High state.
3.5.4 High Temperature Input
The TTU-12x0™ has a built in high temperature threshold of 60° C. If the internal temperature of the TTU is above this
value, then the input will be in the High state. If the TTU’s temperature is below this value, then the input will be in the Low