HiPR-900 User Manual
1. Product Overview
This document provides information required for the operation and verification of the DATARADIO
Spread Spectrum wireless modem.
1.1 Intended
This manual is intended for system designers, professional installers, and maintenance technicians.
1.2 General
CalAmp’s Dataradio HiPR-900 FHSS modem with patented Parallel Decode
is a Frequency-Hopping
Spread-Spectrum wireless radio modem that operates in the license-free 902-928 MHz band. HiPR-900 is
designed for SCADA, telemetry, control, and industrial applications in Point-to-Point, Point-to-
Multipoint, and complex network topology configurations.
HiPR-900 supports serial and Ethernet/IP Remote Terminal Units (RTU) and programmable logic con-
trollers (PLC). It is standard IEEE 802.3af compliant.
Figure 1 - HiPR-900