厦 门 才 茂 通 信 科 技 有 限 公 司
Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd
2.4.6 Analog Input
Enable or disable
: interface data can be operated or acquired after enabling data center
Analog type
: choose if you measure the voltage or current.
Measurement unit
: voltage: V/mV/uV, current: A/mA/uA. The measurement unit will
influence the unit of
the corresponding voltage/current of top range
corresponding voltage/current of low range
Corresponding voltage/current of top range
: upper limit of voltage or current
True value of top range
: the corresponding true data of upper limit voltage or current,
such as temperature, humidity, etc.
Corresponding voltage/current of low range
: lower limit voltage or current
True value of low range
: the corresponding true data of lower limit voltage or current,
such as temperature, humidity, etc.
For example:
Corresponding voltage/current of top range=5V, true value of top range=5