厦 门 才 茂 通 信 科 技 有 限 公 司
Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd
3.2 Access Internet Through WAN Port (WAN AP Client)
3.2.1 Connect Antennas
3.2.2 Access Internet Through WAN Port
Connect Caimore router’s WAN port to an upper router’s LAN port, and connect your
computer to CM router’s LAN port.
3.2.3 Configure Computer’s Network
Please refer to
3.1.3 Configure Computer’s Network.
3.2.4 Configure WAN
For example, as picture showing, CM router connects an upper router who can access
So in the “WAN” - ”Static Address” page, “static IP” and “gw IP”(gw means gateway)
should be in a LAN, and also, “gw IP” should be upper router’s LAN IP address. Details
can be seen in the picture: