Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd
2 F, 37#, Wanghai Road, Software Park 2, Xiamen,China (361009)
Tel:+86 592 5901215
web: en.caimore.com
Output DTU debugging of gateway
Output DDNS debugging of gateway.
Output PPTP debugging of gateway.
Output L2TP debugging of gateway.
Output Internet Time debugging of gateway.
Output WEB debugging of gateway.
Select the corresponding function debugging and submit it, system will be restarted.
After that, clicking “reflesh” to update current debug information of system.
4.6 Other configurations
4.6.1 DTU Configurations
The series port of wireless gateway (COM/LINE port), is used to configure
gateway parameters or restore to default leaving-factory setting, on the other hand,
it is used to configure to data channel to realize DTU data communication. If
use control port COM/LINE as DTU series port, it needs to enable “DTU”.
Following is explanation of DTU parameter configuration to use COM/LINE port
as DTU.
Picture 4-6-1
Center Number
input number according to the number of center server , when
there is only 1 center server, please input 1. When there are more center