厦 门 才 茂 通 信 科 技 有 限 公 司
Xiamen Cai
Communication Technology Co.,Ltd
Add: 3F, 1st Building, 23# Wanghai Road, Xiamen
Tel: +86-592-5902655
Statistical Reset
: Reset the statistical value.
Flow Threshold Value
: The maximum data can be used in a period.
: It can be set to every day or every month to statistic data flow.
Out Flow Manage
: Options when flow over the agreed figure.
Report Flow Data
: Report the usage data to server.
White List
: The URL in the white list will not be restricted. This option is effective only
when “Out Flow Data” is set as “Close 3/4G Network”.
4.6 Equipment
4.6.1 Status Check
The status of router can be checked in this page -- System information, WAN status, LAN
status, Wi-Fi status, and VPN status. As picture showing: