Welcome to the World
of caffitalY sYstems
We have created this “how to” guide to help you brew different variations of your favourite
drinks and blends. using just your caffitaly system capsule machine, caffitaly milk frother
and the range of gloria Jean’s coffees
and Woolworths select capsules, this guide will teach
you how to create up to 12 different cafe quality coffees (or hot chocolate) at home.
frothing Paddle
1 click - heat and froth
mixing Paddle
2 clicks - heat and mix
frothing Paddle
3 clicks - cool and froth
c Button - tea & hot Water (120ml)
B Button - espresso shot (60ml) and also hot chocolate
see page 15 for detailed system information
a Button - espresso shot (30ml)
milk frother & capsule machine Buttons