Management Information Base (MIB) Support
The 9E423-24 provides MIB support including:
RMON (RFC-1271)
IETF Bridge MIB (RFC-1493)
and a host of other Cabletron Enterprise MIBs.
The 9E423-24 attaches to INB2 of the MMAC-Plus Backplane. The INB has a
capacity of 2 Gbps to interconnect MMAC-Plus modules supporting Ethernet,
FDDI, Token Ring, WAN and ATM networks. The INB transports fixed length
data blocks between modules in the MMAC-Plus hub using a Time Division
Multiplexing (TDM) design. Within the INB there is a 64 bit wide data bus and an
eight bit control management bus. Each module that attaches to the INB has an
INB Network Interface Block (NIB). The INB NIB converts canonical frames to
fixed length data blocks for transmission onto the INB. For data blocks received
from the INB, the INB NIB reassembles the data blocks received from the INB
back into canonical frames for transmission to the SmartSwitch ASIC and
ultimately to the front panel port. The INB can time slice its bandwidth using one
of three methods. The default method is standard TDM round-robin bandwidth
arbitration, the second method is for modules to reserve a specific amount of
bandwidth using MONARCH, Cabletron’s INB Bandwidth Arbitrator, the third
method permits the lowest slot number to use any bandwidth not used by the
previous two methods.
The 9E423-24 uses LANVIEW – the Cabletron Systems built-in visual diagnostic
and status monitoring system. With LANVIEW LEDs, you can quickly identify, at
a glance, system status as well as the device, port, and physical layer status. Two
LEDs indicate the transmission and reception of data from the INB MMAC-Plus
backplane connection. Each of the 12 Ethernet front panel ports features two
LEDs per port to indicate the port’s Administrative status (enabled/disabled),
LINK status (Link/Nolink), and Data Activity (receiving and transmitting data).
For a complete list of supported MIBs, refer to the release notes provided in the
9E423-24 package.