Chapter 3: Adding and Configuring the Client Agents 17
Chapter 3: Adding and Configuring the
Client Agents
After installing CA ARCserve Backup and its various client agents, you must add
and configure each client agent machine in your network to the backup server.
This chapter discusses the procedures for adding and configuring client agents.
This section contains the following topics:
Adding Client Agents
(see page 17)
Windows Client Agent Configuration
(see page 19)
NetWare Client Agent Configuration
(see page 33)
UNIX, Linux, and Mac OS X Client Agent Configuration
(see page 35)
AS/400 Enterprise Option Configuration
(see page 53)
OpenVMS Enterprise Option Configuration
(see page 55)
Adding Client Agents
If you have CA ARCserve Backup installed on a Windows server, you can add
client agents from your network using the Add, Import, Export Node feature or
you can add client agents manually. The following sections include information
on each of these methods.
How to Add, Import, and Export Agents and Nodes
Setting up a job in an environment with many agents and nodes can be a
time-consuming and tedious task. If you have multiple agents and nodes to back
up, it may take time to add the agents and nodes to the Backup Manager one at
a time. The Add, Import, and Export Agents and Add, Import, and Export Nodes
features let you add multiple nodes and agents using the CA ARCserve Backup
user interface, whether the nodes and agents will be backed up.
The Central Agent Admin also lets you add, import, or export agents and