Available from C-Scope.
Headphones not only extend battery life but improve sensitivity by cutting extraneous noise. The
headphones should be fitted with a standard stereo 1/4 inch (6.35mm) jack plug. The headphone
socket is located under the protective cap in the battery housing.
Rechargeable battery pack:
A shrink wrapped pack of 8 rechargeable nicad batteries to replace the standard batteries and
Battery charger:
The C-Scope battery charger is designed to charge the rechargeable pack quickly and safely.
A battery charge socket is provided for use with the C-Scope battery charger (see Accessories)
and is located under the protective cap in the battery housing. (The smaller of the two sockets.)
Inserting the charger will automatically remove the power from the detector so the charger must
be removed to do a battery check. Do not attempt to recharge standard batteries. It will take
between eight and fifteen hours to fully recharge flat batteries with the C-Scope charging unit.
For further information, and a price list, for all C-Scope accessories please telephone
(01233) 629181.
Treasure hunting can be a profitable and rewarding hobby, if approached in a patient and diligent
manner. Time spent researching to locate a worthwhile site for a search can be time wasted if
your search is hasty and erratic. To achieve maximum results it is important then, to decide on
your approach to any particular site in advance of the actual search.
Tactics will be decided by the type of site - it is more profitable to scan a small area thoroughly
than to conduct a haphazard search of the total site. However, when the site is too far away for
you to make several return visits, a plan should be adopted which gives maximum coverage, at
the same time as indicating the most likely area for detailed search.
Your detector alone is not a guarantee of successful treasure hunting. Any detector needs an
operator and for the best results the operator needs the right approach, attitude and technique. Too
many beginners neglect the importance of pre-planning and research before using their detector
in the field, and patience and technique during the actual search.