C-COM Satellite Systems Inc.
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*if you are using a splitter and powering the LNB from the modem, ensure the LNB_P
If you are powering the LNB from the controller, enter the proper LNB voltage
12) Congratulations you have successfully configured your iNetVu
Flyaway System.
Navigate to the “Advanced Controls” menu, if there are any flashing Red, and
Yellow components, stop and troubleshoot. Otherwise, click “Find Satellite”. You
should be online within 2-5 minutes.
13) When complete, you may click on the “Stow Antenna” button, wait until the antenna
is stowed, and power off your 7000 Controller.
*For more detailed information on the iNetVu
7000 Controller interfaces, refer to the
7000 Controller Manual.
Flyaway User Manual