Browser Preview
After successful login into the management interface, it enters the video preview interface.
In the preview screen, users can: control pan, tilt, zoom, focus, video capture, sound, full
screen, set the preset position, run, delete, along with other operations.
Login as administrator
Default Username/Password: admin
PTZ control can be carried out, zoom, focus, video capture, sound, zoom, full
screen and set the preset position, run, and delete; you can preview, playback,
configure, log out.
Login as normal user
Default Username/Password: user1 or user2
PTZ control can be carried out, zoom, focus, video capture, sound, zoom, full
screen and set the preset position, run, and delete; you can preview, playback, and
log out.
There are no configuration rights for normal user login.
Browser Configuration
Click Configuration to enter into the device parameters setting page
There are the following options: audio configuration, video configuration, network
configuration and system configuration, detailed description see the following table.
Audio configure
Including audio compressing format, sampling frequency, sampling precision, compressing code
rate settings etc.
Video configure
Including video encoding, stream release, RTP broadcasting ,video parameters,
character-overlapping, character size, video output setting etc.
Network configure
Including basic parameters, Ethernet, DNS, GB28181, wireless network setting etc.
System configure
Including equipment property, system time, user management, version update, reset, reboot device
settings etc.
Audio Configuration
Choose to enable the audio or not. (default: off)
Compressing Format:
Set audio compressing format and the device will reboot
automatically after change (default MP3, AAC, G.711A optional)
Sampling Frequency:
Set sampling frequency and the device will reboot automatically after
change (default 44100, 8000, 16000, 32000 and 48000 optional)
Sampling Precision:
Set sampling precision (default 16 bits)
Compressing Code Rate:
Set audio compressing code rate (default 64 bits, 32, 48, 96,
128 bits optional)
Channel type:
Set channel type (default mono, stereo optional)
Input Volume:
Set the input volume (default 2, 1-10 optional)
Click “Save”, it will remind “Enable has changed. Restart the device to take effect after the
success of the save.”, then please reboot the camera to apply the settings.
830 National Drive #140, Sacramento, CA 95834, USA