4.3 Residual risk
This upholstered furniture product is constructed based on modern technology
and in accordance with recognised safety regulations.
Nonetheless, it is possible that dangers may arise during its usage for the end user
or third parties.
• Never remove or deactivate safety fittings by modifying the
upholstered furniture product!
• Malfunctions that may compromise the safety of the upholstered
furniture product must be remedied immediately! Inform customer
support immediately and deactivate the upholsteredfurniture product
(e.g. by removing the battery pack)!
• Do not touch the mechanism by changing the position!
• Prior to usage, the operator must be certain that all safety and
protective fittings and the control panel are functioning correctly
and they are not damaged in anyway.
• Any changes or malfunctions arising must be reported to the
component department (customer service) immediately. The
upholstery furniture product must be deactivated and secured as
necessary immediately.
4. Safety