BW Broadcast technical manual
Page 16
Installation and setup
The TX range of transmitters can be monitored or controlled from a personal computer either locally or remotely.
The Transmitters can “chat” either by a windows application or via a standard serial terminal program. The win-
dows application is the more versatile option and is to be preferred but the ability to use a terminal program can
prove useful in the absence of the windows application or a computer that runs windows.
2.41 Windows remote control application
The latest version of Windows remote control application can be downloaded from:
After downloading just click on the .msi file to run the set up program. The set up will place icons in both the
Windows start menu and on your desktop. Simply run the program by clicking on icon from either location.
Running the application
When started the application will resemble the picture to the right.
The application can connect to any COM port currently available on your com-
puter that is running the application. Connect a serial cable between the RS22
connector on the rear of the transmitter and one of your computers COM ports. If
you are using a codec or other STL device then you may be able to connect that
device in line to act as part of the serial link.
Selected the COM port you want to use and then click the Connect button.
If the application is able to connect to the transmitter then you will be presented with a screen similar to the one
above. Once connected you should be able to monitor all the parameters of the transmitter as well as being able
to mute the R.F., change the frequency, change the R.F. power and reset any alarm flags that have been set.
2.42 Terminal control of the transmitter
Please see the instructions for your terminal software package to find out how to connect to a remote serial
device. The transmitter is internally set to communicate at 9600 bps, no parity with 1 stop bit and hardware flow
control. This is commonly known as 9600 8N1. If your using Windows then you can use the pre-bundled terminal
program “Hyper-terminal”. This is located in the Programs -> Accessories -> Communications folder accessible
Remote Control Applictiona startup screen
Remote Control Application