BVM ®2014 45 Printed 9/26/2019
Red Button: (never used)
Red button:
Manual gear up/down button when radio is off but system powered (no
signal detected), and inoperative when radio is on or low pressure safe mode is activated. A
battery could be connected, during aircraft setup, to the Gear input to power the system
without a radio system connected. This button will not be used by 99% of users.
Blue LED:
The blue LED displays the commanded landing gear position from the
receiver. When the blue LED is “on”, the gear is down; while the blue LED is off the gear is
up. The blue LED will flash when no signal or incorrect gear switch position is received from
the radio when the system is turned on.
Notice: When the landing gear is down, the blue LED must be on; this is the default gear
down signal for system. Otherwise the landing gear will be commanded “up” when low
pressure safe mode is activated. Verify your landing gear is extended when pressure is below
the failsafe value.
Red LED:
The red LED indicates for pressure warning, LED will flash when low
pressure safe mode is activated. Re-pressurize the air system above the safe pressure to
resume operation.
Green LED:
The green LED indicates receiver voltage is displayed on LCD screen.
Operating air valves with power off
The electronic valves can be operated
manually by depressing the small blue buttons
on the valves that corresponds to the action
desired. Label your valves for easy reference.