BroadcastVision Entertainment Technical Support
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’s kind of like a spreadsheet – one simply needs to enter appropriate info into each of the
cells to create a channel lineup. ENSEO must always be selected as the STB Model
because CAB can understand/interpret only the ENSEO commands coming out of the
’s IR Blaster cable.
’s tedious to enter all the information, and the software doesn’t allow for good keyboard
shortcuts to quickly move to and select the contents of the next cell for modification. The
good news is however that this software can open and existing file and modify it, so
templates can be created for all the major providers one time and then installers can
modify for just the local differences.
Channel lineups can also be programmed directly into the console via the configuration
menu, but this is even more tedious. See the Precor documentation for details.
Here’s a
photo of an example channel lineup displayed in the console configuration. Note that
ENSEO is specified for all entries: