Important Statement
Waterproof Opera�on Statement
How to �ghten the USB rubber plug
1. In order to obtain a good waterproof
effect, please make sure to plug the
silicone plug before each using.
2. Please remove the bark collar,when
the pet is going to play in the water or
swim for a long
�me. Otherwise, it may
affect the product performance of the
silicone plug and may cause false
The IP67 standard means that the equipment can be
placed in water up to one meter deep for half an hour
without water penetra�ng the product and it is also
Note: The IP67 standard is a sta�c test result of the
PT-TC02 Bark Collar
Turn on/off
Turn on
Press and hold , the bark collar will beep and vibrate .
vibra�on for twice
Light up
Turn off
Press 3S
Press and hold for 3 seconds, the indicators are all on, and
you’ ll hear “beep..beep” and vibra�on for twice. It indicates the
bark collar is successful turned on. A�er the bark collar is turned on,
the current ba�ery level will be displayed for 2 seconds.