For any help concerning set up and use of your TV please call the Customer Helpline: 0845 604 0105
Dialing Phones
The option to call phones is available if you have
Skype Credit. Please buy credit first. Afterwards,
select a country then enter a phone number which
you want to call.
Press the Yellow button to save an entered
telephone number. Press the Green button to start
a conversation.
The incoming call dialog is shown when you are logged into Skype
and when other users initiate a Skype call.
A small dialog box will appear in the lower right corner of the TV
screen whether the user watches TV or is browsing through Skype.
Use the remote control button and choose your action.
Incoming call
All your Skype settings can be changed by using
the Settings menu. Please use P+ and P- buttons
on the remote control to move up or down. Select
an option, then change the selected option by using
the navigation buttons. In the about section, please
find the Skype terms and conditions.
Please read this notice carefully.