Installation of the system
4. Positioning and mounting
Step 1:
First of all, please choose the most convenient position for the
BURY CP 1100 in your vehicle by checking different positions in the ve-
When installing the BURY CP 1100 avoid positioning the system where
it may disrupt the proper operation of the vehicle and its components,
such as car stereo, air bags, cubbyhole, glove compartment, ashtray,
lighter, gear stick or hand brake.
If you would like to use the device during your journey, positioning it in
the front area on the driver’s side is advisable. Sit in the vehicle and
check whether you can reach the device without difficulty.
After having found a suitable position for the BURY CP 1100 in the ve-
hicle you can now mount the BURY CP 1100 with the Vehicle Mount.
The end of the cable with the small Molex connector is ideally suited for
placing through small openings in the dashboard area. This facilitates a
practically invisible installation of the cable. Take the length of the cable
into account and make sure that it is of sufficient length to reach the
intended location of the electronics box.
When positioning the BURY CP 1100 please take care that
the BURY CP 1100 does not impair the view onto the road,
that it will not be installed in the impact zone of the pas-
senger compartment (amongst others in the airbag inflation
zones) and that the cable may be laid without any prob-
Please avoid direct sunlight on the BURY CP 1100 or high
internal temperatures, which can be rapidly reached in
parked vehicles.