Ref. “C-8 FLT O&M Manual 26-04-11” Page 6/7
3.1 General
3.1.1 All Burgess products are designed to give a long, trouble free working life with the
minimum of maintenance and as such there are no user- serviceable parts. However,
there is still a requirement for the operator to carrying out simple periodic inspection and
maintenance as detailed below.
The maintenance procedures given should be carried out with the table ready for use.
(See Section 2 – Handling, Storage & Operation.)
Light damage as outlined below may be repaired by (or by agents of) the operator. More
severe damage should be referred to Burgess Furniture Ltd.
Intended Use: The table is suitable for use in general non-domestic environments such
as meeting rooms.
3.2 Maintenance
3.2.1 The following maintenance procedures should be carried out at least every 3 months
under normal operating conditions, or every 1 month under severe contract conditions.
3.3 Cleaning
Table underframes should be cleaned using a damp cloth and, where necessary, a mild
soap cleaning agent.
3.3.2 More
marks and light scratches can be removed from the anodised
surfaces using special abrasive blocks, specifically selected for this application and
available directly from Burgess. These should be rubbed lengthwise on the marked area,
using a back and forth motion while applying light pressure.
DO NOT use a rotary motion as this may leave a visible abrasion on the
anodised surface.
Abrasive scourers should not be used.
High Pressure Laminate & Real Wood Laminate tops should be cleaned using a damp
cloth and a mild detergent, then dried with a soft lint-free cloth. Do not use any form of
furniture polish on laminate table tops as this will result in smearing.
DO NOT use bleach or any other caustic / solvent based cleaner as permanent
damage to the top will result.
Inspection & Repair
Inspections must be carried out by a competent person. All defective tables
must be immediately removed from service. Repairs must only be carried out
by competent personnel.
Referring to Section 2 – Handling, Storage & Operation:
Operate the flip top mechanism and check that all moving parts are free from damage
and function smoothly.
Inspect the locking mechanism on the underside of the top, ensuring that all screws are
secure and the two plastic strikers are not worn or damaged.
Check that the rectangular pivot tubes on top of the leg uprights are secure, and the pivot
screws are also secure but not over-tight.