Bully Dog Gauge GT Tuner Скачать руководство пользователя страница 62



The Show Settings Menu will allow you to see vehicle information and also defuel set-
tings. See the diagram below to see everything that is listed in this menu.



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Содержание Gauge GT Tuner

Страница 1: ...INSTALLATION 1 OWNERS MANUAL Part1 PhysicalInstallation Part2 OperationsandDownloading Part3 InternetUpdates Appendix OEMpyrometers pyrometercalibration andothertopics ...

Страница 2: ... before installation on vehicle This will ensure that the GT has the lat est programming avail able from Bully Dog Plug in the GT to the USBCable SDcardmustbe installedintheGT Plug the USB cable into a PC that has the Bully Dog Internet Update software The Update Agent 1 2 3 ...

Страница 3: ...evicesavailableinthemarketplace secondonlytoour PerformanceManagementTool GT TheGTincludesourPatentpendingfeaturecalledthe Drivingcoachwhichassistusersinmaximizingdrivingefficiency Usingthedrivingcoach featureenduserscanseeimprovementsinfueleconomythatwillsaveenoughmoneyon theirmonthlybilltocompletelyoffsetthecostoftheGTitself ...

Страница 4: ...hysicalInstallation Theseoperatinginstructionsaresplitintofoursections SECTION 1 PartsIncluded SECTION 2 PartsDescription SECTION 3 InstallationOverview SECTION 4 Installation SECTION5 MountingtheGTusingtheWindshieldmount ...

Страница 5: ...kage Thetoolslist indicatesallofthetoolsnecessarytocompletetheGTinstall 1 The GT Watch Dog Head Unit 3 Main Wire Harness 5 Micro SD Card 3 Windshield Mount 4 The GT Watch PowerWire 2 OBDII Adapter Plug TOOLS NEEDED Fuse Puller Voltage Meter optional EXTRA PARTS optional Fuse Jack Spade connector ...

Страница 6: ...tionstakeplaceincluding Downloading Monitoring andtheDrivingCoachfeature GTFrontSide The GT has seven capacitive touch buttons Capacitive touch buttons are a button style that is sensitive to the presence of your finger Ca pacitive buttons do not need to be pushed only touched to activate The GT interface fea tures a 2 4 LCD screen 1 2 4 3 GTPartsBackside 1 T slotMountSocket thiswillworkwithalarge...

Страница 7: ...thatplugsintothevehicleOBDllport 2 Main Harnessport themainharnesswillplugintotheGTandintothisportduringinstallation 3 Powerwireport thepowerwirewillrunfromthisporttothevehiclefusepoxduringinstal lation Plug into the GT and into this port during installation 4 Power Supply Switch use this switch to change power from running off of the PowerWire to OBD ll power as a power supply for the GT 5 Four P...

Страница 8: ...LATION GTMAINWIREHARNESS ThemainharnessconnectstheGTtotheOBDllAdapterPlugandactsasthemainlineofcom municationfortheGT POWERWIRE ThePowerwireconnectstheOBDllAdaptorPlugtothevehiclefuseboxto supplypowertotheGT ...

Страница 9: ...ardmustbeinstalledinto themicroSDcardslotonthesideofthe GTatalltimes UNIVERSALWINDSHIELDMOUNT ThisuniversalwindshieldmountisusedtoinstalltheGTfirmlyonto thewindshield itisasuctioncupmount thatwillworkonanyvehicle windshield Checkourwebsiteforothermountingoptions theGTis adaptabletoarangeofothermountingstyles ...

Страница 10: ...tionOverview The installation overview illustrates a properly installed GT This overview is meant to help refer ence the general location of installed parts and pieces of the GT Note that some fuse boxes will be located inside the cab of the vehicle and will not require that the power wire go through the vehiclefirewall ...

Страница 11: ...ter PlugintotheOBDllport 1 As the illustration below shows OBD ll ports are always located somewhere under the drivers side dash The OBD ll port is a male receiver that will have the same shape as the end of the OBD ll Adaptor plug 2 Once the OBD ll port is located then simply plug the OBD ll Adaptor plug into the OBD ll port OBDll Port Location All OBDll ports are located under the dash on the dr...

Страница 12: ...nersmanual Ifthevehiclemanualdoesnot helpidentifyanaccessoryfuseuseavoltagemetertoidentifyafusethatsuppliespoweronlywhen thekeyisintheonposition CONNECTTHEPOWERWIREFROMTHEOBDIIBLOCKTOTHECORRECTVEHICLEFUSE 1 ConnectthepowerwiretothepowerwireportontheOBDllAdaptorplug 2 Runtherawendofthepowerwiretothevehiclefusebox inmanycasesthiswillmeantakingthe powerwirethroughthevehiclefirewall Onmostvehiclesthep...

Страница 13: ...ebeingusedforthisinstall 1 Oncetheendofthepowerwireisnearthefusebox preparetheendofthepowerwirebyattaching aspadeconnectortotheendofthewire 2 Remove the correct fuse from its location and then replace that fuse with a fuse tap that is made forthatsizeoffuse 3 Connectthespadeconnecttotheendofthefusetap 4 Use ziptiestosecureanyloosewirelefthangingfromexcessslackinthepowerwire ...

Страница 14: ...ntheotherendoftheharnessupthroughthevehicledashonthedriver ssidesothattheendofthe harnessemergesfromthedashnearthevehicleA pillar Itmaybenecessarytotemporarilyremove thevehicleweatherstrippinganddashpaneltoachieveaninstallationwheretheMainHarnesscan notbeseen 3 PlugtheMainHarnessintothebacksideoftheGT makesurethatthereisenough slack in the main harness to accommodate mounting the GT to the windshi...

Страница 15: ...f the GT 2 Notice that the top of the universal mount will fit into T shaped socket and slide forward to secure the GT to the mount 3 With the GT connected to the mount use the windshield mount to secure the GT to the wind shield Be sure that the position of the GT does not obstruct the view of the road or distract the driver from their primary responsibility which is driving responsible INSTALLAT...

Страница 16: ...gInstructions Theseoperatinginstructionsaresplitintofoursections SECTION 1 ButtonNavigation SECTION 2 SetupWizardforinstallingdownload SECTION 3 ExploringtheGeneralDisplay SECTION 4 TheDrivingCoach SECTION 5 MainMenuandSubMenus ...

Страница 17: ...isnotnecessarytoapplyanysignificantforcetothebut tonwhilenavigatingthroughproductscreens Press the top left button to enter the Main Menu also use this button to exit menus Press any of the four buttons on the left to select items on the screen that are adjacent to the button position In general these buttons work as up and down buttons they may also be used to select items on the screen adjacent ...

Страница 18: ... 2 The GT screen will now light up and the Setup Wizard will appear on the screen Turnkeytothe ON position whentheTuner callsforit Donotstart theengineunless theinstructionsorthe tunerspecifically callsforit WELCOME Welcome to the GT Wizard The ne xt few steps will take you through the initial setup and download process Press MORE to continue to the nex t screen MORE TROUBLE SHOOTING IftheSetupWiz...

Страница 19: ...hecorrectvehicletypeisnotspecified The listofvehiclesintheillustrationbelowdemonstratethevehicleselectionlistfortheDiesel version of the GT the Gasoline version will have a completely different list 03 07 Ford 6 0L Power Stroke 08 Ford 6 4L Power Stroke 06 07 Dodge 5 9L Cummins 08 Dodge 6 7L Cummin 01 05 GM 6 6L Duramax 06 07 GM 6 6L Duramax 08 GM 6 6L Duramax Go Back ...

Страница 20: ...cess simply press the up arrow button to select Yes Then simply follow the on screen instructions to complete a download Opt out If you choose to not download at this time you will still have monitoring capabilities even though no download has been entered into the vehicle To download at a later time see the Install Download instructions when ready SETUP WIZARD STEP2 Do you want to download You ca...

Страница 21: ...namesallthepartsofthemainscreen Seethelistofmainscreenfunctionsonthefollowingpage Menu button press to enter the main menu Vehicle parameters To change which vehicle parameter is displayed in the large gauge area simply press one of the four buttons next the preferred vehicle parameter Large Gauge area Automatic transmission gear indicator Power bar indicates power level but only on diesels Instan...

Страница 22: ...y Power Level Up Power Level Down Use the power level buttons to control power levels on the fly only while in the main screen FUNCTION 5 For diesel and gasoline vehicles continuously holding the upper right button will change the GT color theme The screen theme will continue to change as the button is held FUNCTION 3 Continuously hold any of the four buttons to change the Large Gauge style there ...

Страница 23: ...estylesplustheDrivingCoach Analog gauge with mini graph Analog gauge with average and max peaks The Driving Coach Large real time graph Hold the button down next to the vehicle parameter currently displayed in the large gauge area to switch between the different large gauge display types ...

Страница 24: ...ulatefueleconomyandwastedenergy itmustbesetupusingtheDrivingCoach SetupWizard AccesstheDrivingCoach SetupWizardinthemainmenu forinfor mationontheDrivingCoachSetupWizard gotopage49 DISPLAY THE DRIVING COACH TheDrivingCoachisalwaysrunning whetherthedriverchoosestodisplaythedrivingcoachor not FollowthestepsbelowtodisplaytheDrivingCoach andtohidetheDrivingCoach HowtodisplaytheDivingCoach Continuously ...

Страница 25: ...r liters per 100 kilometers in real time Wasted Energy The waste energygraph middlegraph displays acceleration and deceleration The center line of this graph represents zero wasted energy If a driver accelerates too quickly or decelerates too quickly they will see a bar extend out wardfromzeroindicatingan amount of energy wasted Grade ThedrivingCoachofferstheuseragrade to show them how well or how...

Страница 26: ...just Tire Size Diagnostics Show Settings Update Software Go Back MAIN MENU SECTION 5 ExploringtheMainMenuandsubmenusystems ThediagrambelowshowsalloftheMainMenuitems somemenuitemsarevehicle specific as noted adjacent to those menu items Section 5 includes comprehensive informationoneachmainmenuitemandallsubmenus GMDuramax LMMOnly DodgeCummins Only DodgeOnly FordPower StrokeOnly ...

Страница 27: ...DCardmustbeintheGTtochangevehicles If the Change Vehicle menu does not list a vehicle type check the vehicle applications charts at the beginning of this owners manual or call tech support for clarification 03 07 Ford 6 0L Power Stroke 08 Ford 6 4L Power Stroke 06 07 Dodge 5 9L Cummins 08 Dodge 6 7L Cummin 01 05 GM 6 6L Duramax 06 07 GM 6 6L Duramax 08 GM 6 6L Duramax Go Back To select a different...

Страница 28: ...ttingscanbechangedbyperforminganotherdownload 3 Returnavehicletostock Tocompletelyreturnavehicletoitsfactorystockconditions THESDCARDMUSTBEINSERTEDINTHESIDEOFTHEGTTODOWNLOADTOAVEHICLE Diesel Tuning The diesel tuning is the only tuning available that is adjustable on the fly this meansthatthelevelofaddedhorsepowercanbeadjustedfromtheMainScreenonceadownload hasbeencompletedonthevehicle GasolineTunin...

Страница 29: ...ourforinstallationincaseanyproblemsareencounteredduringinstallation 5 Beforeinstallation alwaysmakesurethatthebatterieshaveafullcharge Itisevenagoodideato haveabatterychargernearbyincasethebatteriesstartdraining Ifthebatteriesloosetheircharge duringadownload thedownloadwillfail 6 Beforeinstallation turnoffallelectronicsinsidethevehicleincluding headlights heater aircondi tioning stereo anyDVDplaye...

Страница 30: ...dingtheprogramsintothecomputermayresultin computerhardwarefailure Afterdownloadiscompletereplaceallfuses Note Useyourfusepullerincludedwithyourvehicleorapairofneedlenoseplierstopullthefuses 01 02 Duramax Refer to Figure 1toseethefusesthatmustberemoved priortotunerinstallation SEO ING RD01 RAP2 IMPORTANT Thisfuseboxislocated insidethecabonthedriver sside 01 02 Fuse Box ...

Страница 31: ...msintothecomputermayresultin computerhardwarefailure Afterdownloadiscompletereplaceallfuses 03 05 Duramax Refer to Figure 2 to see the fuses that must be removed prior to tuner installation TBC BATT TBC IGN1 Radio INFO 03 05 Fuse Box IMPORTANT Thisfuseboxislocated insidetheenginebaythedriver sside Note Useyourfusepullerincludedwithyourvehicleorapairofneedlenoseplierstopullthefuses ...

Страница 32: ...ition 16 SEO ACCY Special Eq Options Accessories 29 RDO1 Radio 30 RAP2 Relay Power Remove these Fuses from the Fuse Box Located Under the Hood 60 TBC Body Computer 03 06 GM C K w 4 8 5 3 6 0 8 1L Engines Remove these Fuses from the Fuse Box Located Inside theVehicle located near the driver s side dash 16 SEO ACCY Special Eq Options Accessories 17 TBC 2B Body Computer 18 TBC 2C Body Computer 20 TBC...

Страница 33: ...complete Throughout the download process the GT will prompt the user to enter en gine tuning information and specify desired download feature informa tion It is important that the installer remain with the GT throughout the entiredownloadprocess Theinformationinthissubsectionwillcover EngineTuning VehicleSpecificDownloadfeatures ChangingDownloadSettings ReturningtoStock Transferringtoanewvehicle T...

Страница 34: ...esel users do not have to select an engine tune thedieselGTautomaticallyloadsthetuninginformationintothevehicle Gasolineenginetuningoptions ATTENTION Downloadingthe Premium settingrequiresthatthevehiclerun91 octanefuel Failureto run at least 91 octane fuel with the Premium setting may result in engine damage SETTING PEAK HP PEAKTQ OCTANE Premium up to 35 up to 40 91 octane Regular 15 20 15 20 85 o...

Страница 35: ...e tables below for vehicle verifications This download feature will adjust the OEM speed limiter This feature can be adjusted to a speed set higher or lower than the OEM speed limiter The tables below display the range of adjustability for gasoline and diesel vehicles Before adjusting the OEM speedometer the GT will require an opt in by selecting Yes to opt in the useragreesthatthevehiclehastires ...

Страница 36: ... capable are displayed in the tables below for gas and diesel applications Calibratingforanytiresizeover35 maycausetheon dashABSlighttoturnon 3 FORD AND LINCOLN GASOLINE VEHICLE SPECIFIC DOWNLOAD FEATURES TRANSMISSION TUNING AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS ONLY Twodifferentoptionsexistfortransmissiontuning choosetoacceptaBullyDogCustomtransmission tune or to leave transmission tuning stock FirmTune This t...

Страница 37: ...will adjust the point in the RPM range in which the transmission upshifts or downshifts 99 EARLY 07 VEHICLES Performance Shifts at a higher RPM than Stock andTow This setting is recommended to be used in combination with but is certainly not limited to the High Performance Horsepower Program Tow Shifts at a higher RPM than Stock and shifts at a lower RPM than High Performance Stock Does not modify...

Страница 38: ... program AddingadifferentgearratiothanthestockOEMtiresizewillcausethespeedometertoreadincorrect speeds The Triple Dog Tuner can calibrate the OEM speedometer to read correctly for the following gear ratios 3 23 3 42 3 73 4 10 4 56 5 DODGE 5 9L CUMMINS 03 07 DIESEL VEHICLE SPECIFIC DOWNLOAD FEATURE LOW END POWER AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS ONLY Thisfeaturesisasimpleoptinoroptoutfeature itwillimprovethr...

Страница 39: ...ing purposes as it will enable the vehicle to shift at a higher RPM WIDE OPEN THROTTLE DISABLE WOT WideopenthrottlereferstoathrottlepositiongovernorplacedonstockNissanvehicles Itlimitsthedriver fromusing100 ofthevehiclethrottlefrom0 40mph BullyDog sWideOpenThrottlefeaturewillremove thisgovernorfromthevehicle WARNING usingthisvehicleoptionisattheriskofthevehicleowner BullyDogrecommendsthatthisfeatu...

Страница 40: ...wnload is entered on the vehicle the GT will display the following prompt Select Y to Change settings Select N to return to stock Each option will require that a download be performed it is important to take all necessary down load precaution when performing either task including removing fuses while the download is taking place Transferringtoanewvehicle The GT is transferable to a new vehicle but...

Страница 41: ...ragaugelocationhasbeenhighlighted youdonot need to press another button to select that vehicle parameter Simply highlighting the vehicleparametermakesitactiveinthatlocation Notice that upon entering the gauge setup menu that Set Gauge 1 is highlighted in black When a gauge location is selected it is highlighted in black on the left and it also appears above the vehicle parameter selection box To h...

Страница 42: ...X X GasolineVehicles Diesel vehicles w o DPF Diesel vehicles w DPF VEHICLE PARAMETERS This diagram shows vehicle parameters which can be displayed on the GT Due to vehicle specific availability not all of the parameters display below will be available on every vehicle Notice that some vehicle parameters are specific to either gas or diesel vehicles Special Note Pyrometer Temperatures pyro 1 and 2 ...

Страница 43: ...This test ensures that the Driving Coach feature is calibrated for each particular application This test should only be performed on a strait and flat road on a day when wind speed is zero or near zero Be sure that the road used for calibration has a speed limit of at least 60 mph DRIVING COACH SETUPWIZARD To start the wizard select Driving Coach Setup from the main menu and the press Next on the ...

Страница 44: ...ic units will display fuel economy in kilometers per liter liters per hour and will display temperatures in Celsius ENGINE SIZE Units are in Liters The selected Value for Engine Size is displayed in the box below 1 3L Engine Sizes Engine Sizes 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 3 Next to step 2 To choose the preferred unit of measurement highlighttheunitdesiredbytouchingthebut ton adjacent to the prefe...

Страница 45: ...UEL TYPE In step four simply select the vehicle fuel type gaso line or diesel To select the correct curb weight scroll to the correct value listed using the buttons on the right side of the GT then press the Next but ton to proceed to step 4 Go Back FUELTYPE Select Gas or Diesel Fuel CURRENT Gasoline GASOILINE DIESEL to Step 5 Set Gas or Diesel Fuel To choose the correct fuel type highlight the co...

Страница 46: ...heinformationtobecompletesimplypress ExitMainMenu tocompletetheprocess STEP 5 The Following menu will setup communication to your vehicle Next to comm setup Exit to main menu STEP 5 Communicating with Your Vehicle This may take a Moment Next to Step6 Exit to main menu To continue to step 6 simply press the Next button SETUPCOMPLETE You have completed setup for your v ehicle You can run the setup w...

Страница 47: ...COLORS Choosebetweenmanydifferentcolorsettingthemes ADJUSTVOLUME Set button feedback volume CALIBRATE SPEEDO Calibrate speedometer for aftermarket tires wheels CALIBRATE ECONOMY Calibrate for vehicle characteristics ENGLISH METRIC UNITS Choose units of measurement RESETTO DEFAULT SETTING Revert back to Bully Dog factory settings Adjust Backlight Set Screen Colors Adjust Volume Calibrate Speedo Cal...

Страница 48: ...he settings will automatically take effect Use these buttons to select either screen brightness or Day Night mode Use the Up Down arrow keys to adjust the total percentage of light emitted by the screen in either Day mode Night mode SCREEN COLORS There are over a dozen to choose from and many more will be added The GT color theme willchangeasanewthemeishighlightedtoprovideapreview Go Back Backgrou...

Страница 49: ...or aftermarket tires and wheels Use the appropriate but ton to select the function of the drivers preference Exit the menu and the selection will automatically take effect Exit the menu and the selection will automatically take effect CALIBRATE ECONOMY Calibrate for vehicle characteristics Use the large Up Down Buttons to scroll up and down through the per centage options Use the large Up Down But...

Страница 50: ...r preferences to factory set values Are you sure you want to do this at this time for YES to user opts yes no simplyexitthemenuand the selection will auto matically take effect Use the buttons adjacent to the unit of measure preferred To reset the GT to Bully Dog factory settings press the up button to select yes or by press ing the down button to select no simply exit the menu and the selection w...

Страница 51: ...in the Driving Coach Setup Wizard The descriptions for all the vehicle options are listed below A more detailed description of each is on the following pages INCLUDES ENGINE SIZE DISPLACEMENT Enter the engine size in liters VEHICLEWEIGHT Enter vehicle curb weight FUELTYPE Enter either gasoline or diesel COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL Enter the communication style used on the vehicle ...

Страница 52: ...e scale Go Back ENGINE SIZE Units are in Liters The selected Value for Engine Size is displayed in the box below 4 2L Engine Sizes Engine Sizes 3 9 4 0 4 1 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 6 4 2 Go Back VEHICLEWEIGHT percentage is displayed in the box below 5400Lbs Pounds Selected 5100 lbs 5200 lbs 5300 lbs 5500 lbs 5600 lbs 5700 lbs 5800 lbs 5400 lbs To select the cor rect displacement amount use the two capacitive...

Страница 53: ...e Go Back FUELTYPE Select Gas or Diesel Fuel CURRENT Gasoline GASOILINE DIESEL to main menu Set Gas or Diesel Fuel STEP 5 The Following menu will setup communication to your vehicle Next to comm setup Exit to main menu Once the correct fuel type is highlighted press the Go Back button to continue Once communica tions have been established press Exit to return to main menu Usethebuttonsadjacentto t...

Страница 54: ...ilities for the GT All defueling options can be activated at thesametime allcanbeturnedoff oramixofonandoff Eachdefuelingoptionisadjustedindividu ally to be on or off and set to a particular defueling temperature Pyrometer Calibration Procedure When setting pyrometer defueling levels it is important to use our pyrometer calibration procedure to know what temperatures should beset Seethepyrometerca...

Страница 55: ...ess the bottom left button Go Back PYRO 1 The Selected Defuel value for PYRO 1 is displayed in the box below 1400 1250 1300 1350 1450 1500 1550 1600 1250 to Defuel Menu Defueling Levels to Set Defuel LevelMenu Selected DEFUEL ON DEFUEL OFF 1400 Usethisbuttontoturnthedefuelingon UsetheUp Down Buttonstoscrollupanddown through thedifferentsubmenuitems Go Back PYRO 1 The Selected Defuel value for PYRO...

Страница 56: ...OFF GM6 6LDURAMAX 07 5 09 VEHICLESONLY TheDPFBurn off feature willsendarequesttothevehicletostarttheDPF burn offof the diesel particulate filter This feature should only be used if the diesel particulate filter gets clogged and will not go into mobile Desoot mode Follow the on screen in structions provided by the GT Notice The DPF burn off function should only be used if absolutely necessary If th...

Страница 57: ...ll of the other doors will automatically unlock HEAD LAMP DELAY Use this feature to set the amount of time that the head lamps remain on after the vehicle has been turned off Use the up down arrows on the tuner to scroll in 5 second increments between 0 and 80 seconds Idle Up Auto Only Auto Door Lock Set Headlamp Display Horn Chirp on Lock Optical Chirp on Lock Unlock Driver Door Seatbelt Minder A...

Страница 58: ...ot buckled ACCESSORY DELAY Use this feature to set the amount of time that the accessory items in the vehicle will remain on after the vehicle has been shut off as long as the doors remain closed Accessory items include the radio cigarette lighter etc Use the up down scroll but tons on the tuner to choose between the following settings 0 seconds 45 seconds 5 minutes 10 minutes 30 minutes or 60 min...

Страница 59: ...e transmission tune menu that Extreme is highlighted in black When a Power level location is selected it is highlighted in black on the left and it also appears above the transmission tune selection box Go Back Extreme Performance Tow Stock TRANSMISSIONTUNE Aggressive Smooth Extreme Use the Up Down Arrows to Change theTranny Tune Smooth Aggresive Use these buttons to select the power level for whi...

Страница 60: ...s DEFAULT Notice that the selected tire size is displayed in the box on the left side of the screen Once the correct speedishighlightedsimplypressthegobackbutton toexit Yourselectionwillautomaticallybesaved UsetheUp Down Buttonstoscrollupanddown through theavailabletiresizes highlightthetire sizethatfitswhatiscurrentlyinstalledonthevehicle inorderfortheGTtodisplaytheaccuratespeed DEFAULT SETTING T...

Страница 61: ...forDTCsanditwillthen displaythoseDTCsontheGTscreen OnceitdisplaystheDTCs value and description on the screen it will allow you to erase theDTCsfromthevehicle IfnoDTCsaredisplayedyoucansimplypresstheGoBackbuttontoreturntothemainmenu Establishing communication with the vehicle DTCDiagnostic Trouble Codes There are no DTCs Detected DTCDiagnostic Trouble Codes ...

Страница 62: ...OPERATION SHOWSETTINGS The Show Settings Menu will allow you to see vehicle information and also defuel set tings See the diagram below to see everything that is listed in this menu SETTINGS Go Back ...

Страница 63: ... Verify Checksum Checksum veri ed New image found Do you want to load this le now Press Y to complete update to main menu yes To update the GT soft ware simply press the up arrow on the right side of the GT to which islocatedadjacenttothe up arrow seen on the GT screen The GT will take a minute to update the software please wait patiently while the ap plications loads into memory If there are new ...

Страница 64: ...net update was unsuccessful then the Update GT Software function will display that the GT contains the same information and no new information was added If this happens check the version information of the current software loaded on the GT in the show settings menu and compare that to what is available online Go Back UPDATE GT SD Card not Found Press any Key to Continue to main menu Go Back UPDATE...

Страница 65: ...theversionsystem works Basedonthechangeinversionnumbersbetweenthecurrentversiononthe GTandtheversionthatisavailableontheBullyDogwebsitetheGTmayhavetobe returnedtostock SEEsection1fordetails SECTION 2 TheUpdateAgent ThisisBullyDog sexclusivesoftwareprogramdevelopedtoupdateBullyDogproducts viatheinternet ThissoftwareisrequiredtoupdatetheGT Section2willexplainhowto usegettheUpdateAgent SECTION 3 TheU...

Страница 66: ...ifadownloadtostockisnecessary TheGTsoftwareversionscontainfourdigitsasseenbelow SETTINGS Go Back Go to the Show Setting Menu to view current in stalledGTsoftwareversion If any of the first three digits change in the ver sion number then the GT must be downloaded back to stock before an internet update If the fourth digit is the only digit that changes on a newly issued GT version then the GT does ...

Страница 67: ...ithastronginternetconnection The Update Agent is a software program developed by Bully Dog Technologies specifically designed to up dateBullyDogproducts TheUpdateAgentiseasytouse itcanbeloadedonanywindows basedPCrunningWindowsXP ornewer TheUpdateAgentisattainable free ofchargeat theBullyDogDownloadCenterorbyorderingaCDROMthroughaBullyDogdistributor ...

Страница 68: ...ethingtodo presstheupdatebuttonontherighthand sideofthescreenandtheUpdateAgentwillautomaticallyupdatetheGTsoftware 4 WhentheUpdateAgentfinishesupdatingtheGTsoftwaretheGTcanberemovefromthePCand theUSBcable 5 ReinstalltheGTintothevehicleviatheMainHarnessandmountingdevice 6 Onceinstalledturntheignitiontotheonposition butdonot starttheengine TheGTwilllightuptodisplaythemainscreen 7 Navigatefromthemain...

Страница 69: ...nformationfortheGTandissplitintofoursections SECTION 1 Pyrometer calibration procedure SECTION 2 Transmission relearn procedures Ford GM SECTION 3 OEM pyrometer locations SECTION 4 Troubleshooting error codes SECTION 5 Formatting SD Card APPENDIX ...

Страница 70: ...ustbesettoStockHP TQlevels meaningnoHP TQmodificationsofanykind tunerorplug inmodules 2 Enginemustbeputunderfullloadforaslongaspossibleonthehottestdaypossible Itissuggestedto driveupahillorpullatrailer 3 Duringaheavyloadpull recordthehighestreading 4 Takethatreadingandadd150 tothehighnumberandthatwillbeyournewdefuelnumberthatyou donotwanttoexceed ...

Страница 71: ...youarein5thgear applylightpressuretothebrakepedal untilthetruckisstopped 3 At throttlegetupinto5thgear Onceyouarein5thgear applylightpressuretothebrakepedaluntil thetruckisstopped 4 At full throttle get up into 5th gear Once you are in 5th gear apply light pressure to the brake pedal untilthetruckisstopped 5 GothroughthesameprocesswiththeTowHaulbuttonon FORD6 0LPOWERSTROKEAUTOMATICTORQUESHIFTTRANS...

Страница 72: ...EW Thediagramsbelowshows wherePyro1andPyro2areinstalledonthe2007 5andnewer light dutydieseltrucks Thereisnoinstallationrequiredforthesepyrometers eachpyrometerisOEM The temperatures at each location are displayed on the GT as a vehicle parameter under the gauge setup menu FORDPOWERSTROKE ...


Страница 74: ...ensure the proper truck is selected Make sure you have proper connections every where Also make sure that there are no bent pins in any of the connectors Will not adjust horsepower ImproperTruck Selection Check and ensure the proper truck is selected Back light quit working Loose Connections ContactTechnical Support if the GT is otherwise functioning normal For more information on up to date troub...

Страница 75: ...update software TheUpdateAgent ThereasonanewSDcardneedstobeformattedissothatthe UpdateAgentwillautomaticallyrecognizethatSDCardwhentheSDcardispluggedintoa PC BelowarestepsanddiagramsshowinghowtoformatanewSDCard 1 PlugtheSDCardintoaPCviatheUSBtoSDCardReader 2 OpentheMyComputerfunctioninMicrosoftwindowstoseeallofthedevicesanddrivesonthatPC Find thenewSDCardinthelistundertheheading Deviceswithremovab...

Страница 76: ...alog box below that title 6 Click Start to reformat the card with the new information 7 After the reformat process is complete visit our web site to download the correct ID file 8 NowunplugthecardreaderandplugitbackintothePCandtheUpdateAgentshouldrecognize this SD Card NowwheneverthiscardispluggedintoanyPCthathastheBullyDogUpdateAgent installedtheAgentwillautomaticallyrecognizetheSDCard ...

Страница 77: ...theDrivingCoach Ittheninstructsthedrivertousethemost economicaldrivingtechniquesinordertomaximizefueleconomy GASOLINE GT APPLICATIONS FORD 4 0L Mustang 4 6L Trucks SUVs Mustang 5 4L Trucks SUVs 6 8L Trucks SUVs Motorhomes DODGE 5 7L Ram 6 1L SRT 8 GM 4 8L Trucks SUVs 5 3L Trucks SUVs 6 0L Trucks SUVs 6 2L Trucks SUVs 8 1L Trucks SUVs NISSAN INFINITY 5 6L Trucks SUVs 4 0L Trucks SUVs 2 5 3 5L Cars ...
