Privacy Separator
Choose whether Privacy Separator function is enabled or disabled.
When Privacy Separator is enabled, each wireless LAN device connecting to
the AirStation cannot communicate with other local wireless devices.
However, communication with Internet side is still available.
Output Power
Output Power and the range of the associated electromagnetic waves are
almost proportional. If the Output Power is cut to 50%, the AirStation’s range
will be shortened by about half. You may limit your AirStation’s range by
modifying this value. Default value is “
100 %
WMM (Wi-Fi Multimedia) provides multimedia enhancements for Wi-Fi®
networks that improve the user experience for audio, video, and voice ap
plications. WMM Power Save increases the efficiency and flexibility of data
This screen allows you to prioritise AirStation communication for specific
transactions. For example you may change settings which can help improve
the quality of VOIP or other streaming protocols.