[Original Instructions]
Buehler Environmental Policy
Buehler is committed to complying with accepted environmental practices, including the commitment to
meet or exceed applicable legal and other requirements, to strive for continual improvement in our
environmental management system, and to minimize the creation of wastes and pollution. We at Buehler
will, therefore, manage our processes, our materials, and our people in order to reduce the environmental
impacts associated with our products.
To help conserve natural resources and to protect human health and environment, please follow your
state and local regulations on recycling and disposing of waste, consumables, or parts related to your
Buehler machine.
For End Of Life on Buehler machines, if recycling and disposal facilities are not available in your area,
please call Buehler Service at 1.800.BUEHLER (283.4537) or email at
. We will
provide options on how to properly recycle and dispose of your Buehler machine.