Incorporation of Logamatic 4000 in LON networks via Logamatic LON-Gateway
Technical Information Logamatic LON-Gateway - Subject to modifications resulting from technical improvements!
5.2.1 Commissioning LON networks
The PC software saves the database structure in the respective project. In order to be able to use
the functions created in the PC software, the assignment of the functions in the PC software to the
device is required. This assignment takes place during "commissioning" via the neuron ID of the
During commissioning, a dialog requires the PC software to press the "LON" service button on the
LON-Gateway. The LON-Gateway sends a neuron ID to the LON data bus. This neuron ID is
registered in the database. From the database of the PC software, the application file is downloaded
into the device. This way, the PC software is linked with the hardware (LON-Gateway) on site. This
link between software and hardware is called "commissioning."
5.2.2 Decommissioning LON networks
During "decommissioning," a device in the form of a LON node is removed from the network, the
neuron ID is deleted from the database of the PC software, and the credit for the neuron ID is
released again in the PC software.
For each LON node that is incorporated into this software, license fees in the form of
credits are from Echelon. Since the neuron ID is unique, before removing the device, the
decommissioning via the PC software is recommended.