Maximum Weight
The combined weight of captain and stoker should not exceed 300
pounds. As you mount or pedal, do not bear down hard on the handle-
bars, as if you were doing pushups. However, should the handlebars
move up or down as you mount or ride the Buddy Bike tighten all the
handlebar clamp bolts with a 6-mm Allen wrench to 150—225 inch/
pounds as soon as possible, as shown in the paragraph “How to Fit
Your Buddy Bike to You and Yours” later in this manual. Better yet,
stop at the nearest bike shop and have a pro do it.
Buddy Bike Family BB102-AL includes one bi-pod spring kickstand
(Figure 4A)
. Buddy Bike Sport includes one Pletscher bi-pod kick-
(Figure 4B)
. Once assembled, to lower either kickstand, slightly
raise the bicycle by the rear seat and use your foot to push the kick-
stand down then gently lower the bike. To raise the kickstand, slightly
raise the bicycle by the rear seat and use your foot to sweep the kick-
stand backwards. These kickstands are intended to hold and balance
the bike while it is not being ridden. Raise the kickstand to mount the
DO NOT mount the bicycle while it is balanced on the
Keep Speed Under Safe Control at All Times,
Practice Braking
First, be aware that the right side of a bicycle is the side to your right
as you sit on the seat. That’s the side the chainwheel is on. (
Figure 5
was taken from the front of the Buddy Bike). The brake lever on the
left side of the captain’s handlebar is for the front brake, “D” in
. The brake lever on the right side of the
captain’s handlebar is for the rear brake, “C”
Figure 5
. The brake lever on the stoker’s
handlebar is for the drum brake on the rear
wheel, “E” in
Figure 5
Caution: Your Buddy Bike can go faster
than single bikes, for two reasons:
1. The Buddy Bike with aluminum frame
weighs 53-55 pounds (depending upon
bike model and accessories). That’s just
27.5 pounds or less for each of you. The
rider on a typical bike (excluding road
bikes) has to push its 33 pounds alone.
2. The rear rider, the “captain,” is shielded from wind by the front rider, the “stoker,” so you
both have only
the wind resistance faced by a single biker. For these reasons your
Buddy Bike is a lot easier to pedal, so please keep it at a speed that lets you slow down or
Figure 5
Figure 4A
Figure 4B