1. Use a garden hose to fill one or both basins with water. Only fill the basins
halfway with water.
2. Fill a second basin, if desired, with clean, filtered play sand (NOT
INCLUDED). Only fill half way with sand .
3. Add bubbles to the Bubble Maker. Press and release the top button to turn
4. Secure the garden hose to the waterpark as shown (Fig. 16).
5. Gradually opening the valve to the full position. Allow water to flow through
the entire waterpark until it pours out of the spout, into the Dump Bucket.
NOTE: The Dump Bucket may continuously spin when the hose valve is fully
open. This step is just to fill the entire waterpark.
6. Gradually turn the garden hose valve to reduce the water supply to the
waterpark until the dump bucket stops spinning and catches water.
NOTE: A good flow of water allows the bucket to dump once every 25 - 35
NOTE: Monitor the area around the waterpark for puddles and move the
waterpark accordingly.
Do NOT leave water in the bucket or basins; empty after use.
IMPORTANT: Do NOT use or leave water in the waterpark if temperatures fall
below 32°F.
IMPORTANT: Do NOT attempt to move the waterpark when it is filled with water
or has water/sand in the basins.
NOTE: The waterpark does not need to be disassembled between uses.
1. Turn the water supply to the OFF position.
2. Release the hose from the waterpark connector (water will flow from the pipe).
3. Remove both basins and empty any water basin.
NOTE: If sand is used in the second basin, the first basin can be used as a c
over to keep sand clean.
4. Empty any water left in the Dump Bucket.
5. Using the front uprights, gently tilt the waterpark upward, lifting the front a
few inches. This will allow excess water to escape through the open hose
6. Move the waterpark to a shaded area away from heavy traffic.
NOTE: For longer term storage it is good practice to release a few
connections to ensure all water has been emptied from the waterpark.
For assistance please contact our support line at (732) 719-9195
Fig. 16