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Paklite Fieldmaster


M McLean


This document contains confidential and proprietary information of Buck Knives, Inc. which is protected by trade secret and 

other state and federal laws.  Receipt or possession of this document does not convey any right to reproduce it, disclose its 

contents to any third party, or use anything contained wherein for the benefit of any third party (whether as the basis for 

manufacturing or other wise.)  Reproduction, disclosure or use of the information contained herein without the specific written 

authorization of Buck Knives, Inc.

Instruction Insert

1.  Use the tip of a flat screwdriver, paperclip 
or other thin blunt instrument to pry the 
webbing up over the retaining tab.

Alternately it may be possible to use your 
finger nail to push down on tab and release 
it from webbing.

To remove liners for cleaning first take out all blades and place in a secure location.

2.  Gently start pulling the liner out of the 
sheath.  When the webbing passes the 
retaining tab remove the screwdriver and 
slide the liner free from the sheath.

•  Liners can then be cleaned and sterilized 
in the top rack of a dishwasher.

•  Fabric sheath can be washed with com-
mercially available scent elimination laun-
dry detergent once liners are removed.

Repeat these steps to remove other liner.





To remove liners, first take out 

all blades and place in a secure 



 Use the tip of a flat screwdriver, 

paperclip or other thin blunt instru


ment to pry the webbing up over the 

retaining tab. Alternately, it may be 

possible to use your fingernail to 

push down on tab and release it from 



. Gently start pulling the liner out 

of the sheath. When the webbing 

passes the retaining tab remove the 

screwdriver and slide the liner free 

from the sheath.


 Repeat these steps to remove other 


• Liners can then be cleaned and 

  sterilized in the top rack of a dish-  


• Fabric sheath can be washed with  

  scent elimination laundry detergent  

  once liners are removed.

TO REMOVE LINERS | 800-326-2825 | 660 S. Lochsa Street | Post Falls, ID 83854    

The PakLite


 FieldMaster kit’s sheath 

provides many conveniences.  Your 

three favorite PakLite


 knives can be 

carried in one lightweight bundle, and 

the sheath has removable liners for san


itizing.  Once the liners are removed, 

they can be put in the dishwasher (top 

rack) and the sheath itself can go in the 

washing machine.  Belt straps secure 

the sheath to you or your pack and the 

sheath has two zipper compartments for 

extra storage. 





Paklite Fieldmaster


M McLean


This document contains confidential and proprietary information of Buck Knives, Inc. which is protected by trade secret and 

other state and federal laws.  Receipt or possession of this document does not convey any right to reproduce it, disclose its 

contents to any third party, or use anything contained wherein for the benefit of any third party (whether as the basis for 

manufacturing or other wise.)  Reproduction, disclosure or use of the information contained herein without the specific written 

authorization of Buck Knives, Inc.

Instruction Insert

Insert the belt between the two pieces of 
webbing and slide the buckle up or down to 
suit the size of belt being used.

The sheath belt strap is adjustable for wearing on narrow or wide belts.  

1.  Once fully inserted it may be necessary to 
push top of webbing down to go under edge of 
liner tab opening. 

2.  Push webbing up past arced portion of 
retaining tab to be sure liner doesn’t acciden-
tally come out.

To reassemble, slide liner into sheath making sure tab on the back of the liner goes behind webbing.


Paklite Fieldmaster


M McLean


This document contains confidential and proprietary information of Buck Knives, Inc. which is protected by trade secret and 

other state and federal laws.  Receipt or possession of this document does not convey any right to reproduce it, disclose its 

contents to any third party, or use anything contained wherein for the benefit of any third party (whether as the basis for 

manufacturing or other wise.)  Reproduction, disclosure or use of the information contained herein without the specific written 

authorization of Buck Knives, Inc.

Instruction Insert

Insert the belt between the two pieces of 
webbing and slide the buckle up or down to 
suit the size of belt being used.

The sheath belt strap is adjustable for wearing on narrow or wide belts.  

1.  Once fully inserted it may be necessary to 
push top of webbing down to go under edge of 
liner tab opening. 

2.  Push webbing up past arced portion of 
retaining tab to be sure liner doesn’t acciden-
tally come out.

To reassemble, slide liner into sheath making sure tab on the back of the liner goes behind webbing.


1. Insert your knife to make an incision where you’d like to start.  

2. Hold your guthook ring as shown in Figure 1 (you can either pull up  

    or down).  Insert the guthook ring into the incision and gently pull to cut  

    through the hide.  


Figure 1

This guthook ring is easy 

to maneuver and can be 

used on the legs and also to 

cut through the abdominal 

wall.  See Figure 2 on the 

left for paths in which the 

gut hook ring can be used 

for hide removal. 

Figure 2


Paklite Fieldmaster


M McLean


This document contains confidential and proprietary information of Buck Knives, Inc. which is protected by trade secret and 

other state and federal laws.  Receipt or possession of this document does not convey any right to reproduce it, disclose its 

contents to any third party, or use anything contained wherein for the benefit of any third party (whether as the basis for 

manufacturing or other wise.)  Reproduction, disclosure or use of the information contained herein without the specific written 

authorization of Buck Knives, Inc.

Instruction Insert

Insert the belt between the two pieces of 
webbing and slide the buckle up or down to 
suit the size of belt being used.

The sheath belt strap is adjustable for wearing on narrow or wide belts.  

1.  Once fully inserted it may be necessary to 
push top of webbing down to go under edge of 
liner tab opening. 

2.  Push webbing up past arced portion of 
retaining tab to be sure liner doesn’t acciden-
tally come out.

To reassemble, slide liner into sheath making sure tab on the back of the liner goes behind webbing.

The sheath belt strap is adjustable for 

wearing on narrow or wide belts.

Insert the belt between the two pieces of

webbing and slide the buckle up or down 

to suit the size of belt being used.




. To reassemble, slide liner into sheath making sure tab on the back of the 

liner goes behind webbing.


 Push webbing up past curved portion of retaining tab to be sure liner 

doesn’t accidentally come out.

