4 6
The crossover filters and EQs share DSP resources between two DSP chips. There are certain
assignment constraints, the table below summarizes how the resources are allocated.
DSP Assignment table:
4C @>e ]RU b
D_ dQ\6Y\dU bc
?ed `e d!"
3 b_cc_ fUbc
?ed` e d#&
3 b_cc_ fU bc
9 ^` ed5 A
?ed `e d! "
5 A
?ed` e dc#&
4C @!
>_ ^U
C U S_ ^T
>_ ^U
>_ ^U
>_ ^U
* The EQ for outputs 3-6 may come from either DSP 1 or DSP 2, but DSP 2 filters are used first,
until all DSP 2 resources are allocated.
Summing this up in words:
There are 18 filters in DSP 1, and 20 in DSP 2.
All of the crossover filters for Outputs 1 & 2 come from DSP 1.
All of the crossover filters for Outputs 3-6 come from DSP 2.
All of the Input EQ comes from DSP 1.
All of the Output EQ for Outputs 1 & 2 comes from DSP 1.
Output EQ for Outputs 3-6 may come from either DSP.
Other notes:
12dB/Octave crossovers use 1 filter per edge, except Linkwitz-Riley that uses 2.
18, 24 & 36dB/Octave crossovers use 2 filters per edge.
48 & 52dB/Octave crossovers use 4 filters per edge.
Stereo EQs use 2 filters each.
For example, a stereo 3 way 12dB/octave crossover would use DSP resources as follows:
4 filters are used in DSP 1 for Output 1 & 2 crossovers high edge crossovers. (2 per 12dB/
Octave Slope)
12 filters used in DSP 2 for Output 3-6 crossovers. (1 per 12dB/Octave Slope)
There is a total of (18-4)= 14 filters left in DSP 1 for either Input EQ or Outputs 1 & 2 EQ.
There is a total of (20-12)= 8 filters left in DSP 2 for any Output EQ.
DSP Filter/EQ Assignment
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