, 1784
. “
” 137,
.: 02 / 974 4340, 974 5029, 974 3034,
: 02 / 974 43 42, GSM: 0899 176 734, 0888 253 448, e-mail: [email protected]
Long blinkers
- if the function is enabled the blinkers lights 12sec. after system disarming, or till
a door is opened or the ignition is turned on
9. Repeated self-activation -
if the function is enabled the systems arms itself automatically 15sec.
after disarming on condition that no door is opened and the ignition is not turned on. This way the
system can‘t be disarmed by chance.
10. Passive arming
- after closing the last door of the car the system produces a warning and arms
in 15 seconds
11. Disables and enables the current sensor
12. Warning for discarding the doors
-if the fuction is disabled the doors are ignored without any
13. Double code
- if the function is disabled the system can be disarmed only with button N1;
14. Disabling the immobilizer -
if the function is enabled, the ignition will be automatically re-
stored when you turn the ignition key on and if the system is disarmed;
15. Locking and unlocking impuls term -
if it is “yes”, the term is 3.5sec. for pneumatic locking.
16. Long lock -
if it is “yes”, the locking impulse term is 24 sec. as if it is does not work while l
on ignition turning on
is enabled.
Also ff the function is enabled
the shock and current sensors are
switched off for 30sec. after test time expiring.
Additional channel for windows roll-up control.
If the function is allowed, the additional channel
will supplies GNDduring test period (20 sec.). During the rest of time the channel can be activated by
pressing button N3 - you can roll-up electric car windows manually and automatically.
If the func-
tion is enabled
the shock and current sensors are switched off for 30sec. after test time expiring.
18. Pager channel -
if the function is enabled and the channel is activated, when the system alarms,
without warning - it is used for activation of additional devices - pager or GSM module.The activation
by pressing button N3 proceeds in the same way - the device can be tested without alarming. If
function#17 is enabled, both functions #17 and#18 work together - the additional channel will be
activated in the test time and by the siren - that‘s why if it is necessary to use one of #17 or #18
19. Locking on turning the ignition on -
in activation of this function the system gives a locking
impulse on turning the ignition on and gives unlocking impulse on turning the ignition off.
20. Locking on passive arming -
if the function is disabled the system will not give a locking
impulse on passive arming (func=#10)but locks the car on arming by the remote control transmitter
or by fuction #9. This function avoids the locking of your keys inside the car, but decreases the
Double unlocking
- this function allows generating two impulses when unlocking. It is used in
cars in which the first impuls unlocks only the drivers’ door, and the second all others.
Disabling the current sensor in Special mode
- when this function is allowed the currens
sensor does not work in special mode - it is used when the car has problems with the electrical
installation or the battery, which are leading to a fake produce of the current sensor. Due to that the
client can turn on the alarm of the car in special mode without running the risk of fake produces.
11. Additional channel
The pressing of button N3 activates the additional channel for the term of buttons‘pressing, and
supplies GNDl(up to 0.5A). If the system is in armed mode both shock and the current sensor are
ignored (inactivated) for 30sec. The channel can be activated also by functions #17 and #18.