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The AU X I L I A RY HEAT indicator is displaye d …
The AUX HEAT indi cator appears on the heat pu m p
ve rsion of the thermostat only. It is di s p l a yed when
your system is operating on au x i li a ry heat.
N OT E: This indicator does not re fl e ct a pro b l e m
with your sy s t e m .
The SERV I C E F I LTER indicator is displaye d …
The SERVICE FILTER indi cator tells you when to
clean or replace your air filt e r. Press the RES ET
F I LTER bu tton after cleaning or replacing the filt e r
to turn off the indi cator and re set the sys t e m .
N OT E: This indicator does not re fl e ct a pro b l e m
with your sy s t e m .
You have a power ou tag e…
An internal power sou rce maintains the desire d
t e m p e ra t u re se ttings indefinitely.
You have a sy stem error messag e…
The tempera t u re se n sor fa i lu re indi cator sends
a -- re a ding to the LCD di s p l a y. This means you r
t h e r m o s t a t ’s tempera t u re se n sor is no longer able to
Your thermostat provides complete, automatic
control over heating and cooling with auto
changeover. Auto changeover means your system
will automatically heat or cool as needed to main-
tain your temperature set points.
Auto changeover makes life easier because you
no longer have to manually switch the thermostat
between heating or cooling operation. Just set
your heating and cooling set points and let the
system do the rest!
NOTE: If auto changeover is not necessary in your
area of the country, your installer may disable the
AUTO mode feature.
BY Legacy Tstat HO Guide 7/28/04 12:46 PM Page 6