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EB Series 

Steam Boilers 
Forced Draft - Gas, Oil, Gas/Oil 



Form 2127 



 Rev 07/01/06  


  Repl 11/01/04 


    Page 1 of 2 

The boiler shall be a Bryan Model ___________ 
flexible water tube water boiler, with a capacity of 
______ BTU input and ______ BTU output.  
The boiler shall be constructed and assembled 
as a completely packaged unit ready for field 
connections to the steam supply, return 
connection, electrical power supply, fuel 
supply(s), relief valve discharge, building 
management controls and flue-gas vent. 


The boiler shall be 

manufactured in strict accordance with the 
ASME Low Pressure Boiler Heating Code, 
Section IV, and shall bear the ASME “H” stamp 
for a maximum working pressure of 15 PSIG. 


The boilers shall 

be manufactured in strict accordance with the 
ASME Power Boiler Code, Section I, and shall 
bear the ASME “S” stamp for a maximum 
working pressure of 150 PSIG.  

(Also available for higher pressures up to 250 
PSIG and temperatures to 300






The boiler shall be constructed on a heavy steel 
frame.  The boiler pressure vessel shall be 
provided with adequately sized upper and lower 
drums.  A minimum of two downcomers shall be 
provided and shall be located inside the furnace 
chamber to maximize proper thermal internal 
water circulation.  The boiler steam drum shall be 
no less than 24” O.D..  The drum shall be 
provided with internals designed for providing 
steam quality in excess of 99%.  Steel water 
tubes are to be 1½” O.D., .095 wall thickness 
minimum, six-pass, flexible serpentine bend 
design, not subject to thermal shock damage.  
Individual water tubes shall be easily removable 
and replaceable without either welding or rolling.  
The boiler shall have no more than two tube 
configurations.  The boiler shall be furnished with 
an adequate number of tappings and inspection 
openings to facilitate internal boiler inspection and 




Access to the furnace/combustion chamber is 
gained by a hinged access door(s) with an 
opening of no less than 26" wide x 62" high 
maximum to allow for inspection of the interior 
chamber and the burner head.  All remaining 
panels shall be individually removable.  All 
access panels shall be affixed to the pressure 
vessel frame and insulated with 2” mineral fiber 
mono block and 2” high temperature ceramic 
blanket insulation and be fully gasketed for 
pressurized firing.   
The furnace/combustion chamber shall be 
primarily of water-wall design with one side of 
removable panels.   The stationary interior wall 
shall be lined with 1” mineral fiber mono block and 
1” ceramic blanket insulation.  The front and rear 
walls are insulated with 4” mineral fiber mono 
block and 2” ceramic blanket.  The floor beneath 
the tubes shall be lined with 2” mineral fiber mono 
block insulation and 2” ceramic blanket.  The 
boiler furnace/combustion chamber and flueways 
shall be designed to operate at a positive 0.50” 
w.c. at the boiler flue outlet.  The boiler will require 
a “positive pressure” type metal flue.





The boiler shall be complete with a metal jacket, 
16 gauge, zinc-coated rust resistant steel casing, 
finished with a suitable heat resisting paint and 
shall be constructed on a structural steel frame 
and properly insulated with no less than 1½” 
fiberglass insulation.  Complete jacket and 
insulation shall be easily removable and 
reinstalled.  The boiler shall incorporate 
individually removable jacket doors, with handles 
providing easy access to combustion chamber 
and access panels.  The entire tube area shall 
be easily accessible for fireside cleaning.  
All appropriate controls, where possible, shall be 
mounted on boiler front. 
A tube removal and replacement shall be 
demonstrated at time of start-up.  Demonstration 
time not to exceed 40 minutes. 
The boiler vessel shall be warranted for 25 years 
against thermal shock on a non-pro-rated basis. 


(Continued on Page 2) 
