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 It is imperative that the lane machine in the Bowling Center be in good working order before using

it on LaneShield. All maintenance must be up to date on the machine and recorded. Any issues with
LaneShield caused by improperly maintained equipment will Not be covered by warranty. If you need
assistance with your Brunswick Lane Machine maintenance, please call 1-800-323-8141.

2. After applying LaneShield it is not uncommon to see small ripples. These ripples are the result of the

packaging of LaneShield in a roll. It generally takes a few days for LaneShield to “relax” to a completely
flat surface. It will be necessary to use a towel bar, wrapped in a clean, terry cloth towel, and push the
LaneShield flat, starting at the foul line and pushing to the end of the pin deck for the first few days until
the LaneShield is completely “relaxed”.

3. Shifting of LaneShield from side to side may occur. The shifting may be between 1/16” up to 3/16”.  The

shifting may be caused by loose lanes or lane expansion during changes in the humidity level in the
center. It is recommended that a block of wood with a 1/8” groove on the edge be used to “tap” the
LaneShield back into place. Simply insert the area of LaneShield that has shifted into the groove in the
block of wood. Tap with a hammer until the LaneShield has shifted to its proper position. After this is
completed, It will be necessary to use a towel bar, wrapped in a clean, terry cloth towel, and push the
LaneShield flat, starting at the foul line and pushing to the end of the pin deck.

4. Apply double sided tape to the pin deck in two places, one between the 7 and 8 pin spots and one

between the 9 and 10 pin spots. Tape should be assembled and applied per the following procedure to
allow LaneShield expansion movement lengthwise on the lane (without rippling) and to prevent side to
side to side movement of the LaneShield.

a. Leaving the backer paper on, cut two pieces of double sided tape approximately 8" (20 cm) long.

b. Overlapping the tape approximately 2" (5 cm), bond the adhesive sides of the tape together and

crease the tape at the midpoint of where the tape overlaps. Refer to Figure 1.

Figure 1
