Operating instructions
Achieving glowing embers
Add 2.5 kg of wood after 10 minutes (small to medium sized logs) - diameter approx.
4 to 6 cm, length of max. 28 cm - lock the door,
put the air slider to the half open position - allow to burn for approx. 30 min.
After firing up, close the air slider
A maximum of 12 kg can be placed in the stove during one complete burn-up
Wood logs and wood briquettes produce only a small amount of combustion residue.
It will therefore be necessary to remove this ash from time to time. This should be
done when the bed of ashes is more than 5 cm high. It is staggering how long
embers can remain hot in seemingly cold ash. That is why ash should never be
thrown directly from the stove in the waste bin. It is recommended to store ash
temporarily in a metal bucket with lid. Ash is also suitable for composting.
General information
The maximum amount of fuel which can be placed in the stove is 3 kg.
Do not store combustible items on the stove.
Metal items can become hot.
Your basic stove is not a waste incineration plant and should never be used for
burning waste!
Just like all technical appliances, your basic stove should also be checked by a
specialist at regular intervals to ensure it is functioning properly.
The fireplace must never be modified!