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© Brüel & Kjær Vibro
● C106834.002 / V06
Technical alterations reserved!
When the terminating resistor is turned on, a
LED is lit on the front of the
The maximum data transfer speed between the PC and the VC-18xx is 115 kBaud.
Make certain you do not add a new device to your fieldbus that has an address occupied by
another device already present in the RS-485 chain of devices.
VIBROCONTROL 1803/04 LAN interface
The VIBROCONTROL 18xx can also be remotely operated using a LAN connection. This makes it
possible to use an additional VIBROCONTROL 1803/04 communication module.
The VIBROCONTROL 1803/04 communication module is connected with an Ethernet network via
a LAN cable.
Communication module is connected with the VC-18xx via the respective RS-485 connection. Use
a two-wire twisted and shielded cable for the connection.
Go through the following steps to set up Modbus TCP communication of the VC-18xx devices via
the LAN interface in the VC-1803/04.
Set up a LAN connection with the PC via the Ethernet interface on the VC-1803/04.
The RS-485 interface makes it possible to connect multiple VIBROCONTROL 1850/60/70 devices
with each other using the VC-1803/04 communication module:
Connect the VC-1803/04 communication module with one or more VIBRONTROL
1850/60/70 devices via the RS-485 interface
(see also 9.2 RS-485 interface).