Brother Personal FAX-170 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 61

Содержание Personal FAX-170


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Страница 3: ...onnectthe telephoneline 9 Attachthe document support 9 SpecialLineConsiderations 9 Roll OverPhoneLines 9 Two LinePhone System 10 ConvertingTelephoneWall Outlets 10 Installing Fax Machine Two Line TAD and Two Line Telephone 10 Multi LineConnections PBX 11 Ifyou are installing the machine to workwith a PBX 12 Custom Features on YourPhone Line 12 Connecting a TelephoneAnsweringDevice TAD 12 Sequence ...

Страница 4: ...ory Backup Storage 22 User Friendly Programming 23 Function Mode 23 AlternatingDisplays 24 Function SelectionTable 24 Sending Faxes 27 Beforeyou begin 27 Contrast Setting 28 Manual Transmission 28 AutomaticTransmission 29 Manual and AutomaticFax Redial 29 Receiving Faxes 29 SelectAnswerMode 29 EasyReceive 30 Toselector change yourAnswerMode 31 Setting Ring Delay 31 Setting F TRing Time 31 SpeakerV...

Страница 5: ...eservation FAX 190 only 40 Receiving Faxes 41 Remote Operation 41 ForF TModeOnly 41 Changing RemoteCodes 41 Tochange RemoteCodes 42 DistinctiveRinging 42 Registering thedistinctiveringing phone number 43 CallerIn 43 Polling 44 Setup to Poll AnotherFax 44 Setup to BePolled Poll Waiting 45 DelayedPolling 45 CopyFunctions 46 Fax Machine Activity 47 Toprint a report 48 ActivityReport Interval 48 Trans...

Страница 6: ... Report 60 Dialing DoesNotWork 60 Enabling DisablingAnti CurlCheckSheet ACS 60 Fax Machine DoesNotAnswerWhen Called 60 NoDial Toneon the Handset 61 PoorTransmitting Quality 61 VerticalBlackLinesWhen Receiving 61 VerticalBlackLinesWhen Sending 61 Ring Change in FiT Mode 61 Transmission VerificationReportPrints Result NG 61 Sending a Callto the Fax Machine 61 Fax Machine Doesn t HaveDial Tone 62 Fax...

Страница 7: ...s Youwill beabletofindinformationaboutaspecific featureor functionbychecking the Indexat thebackofthismanual Also throughout thismanual you llseespecial symbols alertingyoutoimportantinformation cross references andwarnings Illustrations ofsomescreendisplays alsohelpyouchoosethecorrectkey presses See 3 tation ID p 16 Test Sheet Procedures Only for U S A After programming yourStationID pleasefillou...

Страница 8: ... andthescreendisplays RECEIVE IfyourmachineissettotheFAX ONLY Mode itwillanswerevery call automatically withfaxreceiving tones Even fftheotherpartyhangsup yourfax machinecontinuestosendthe chirps for40seconds andthescreencontinues todisplay RECEIVE Tocancelthereceiving mode press _i_ WhenyourfaxmachineisinFAX TEL F T it answers withashortbeep After thisbeep thefaxmachinelistensforCNG tones andthen...

Страница 9: Specifies howthe fax machinewill handleincoming calls Hook Letsyoudialtele Hook phoneandfax _ numberswithout liftingthehandset Hold Q Hold Letsyouputcalls Redid Pause on hold Redial Pause Re dials thelast numbercalled Also insertsa pausein autodial numbers Resdulion AB DEF Set s l Storesa function settingintothefax machine Speed Dial Letsyoudial storedphone numbersbypress ing a two digit number...

Страница 10: ...l index Letsyoulookup numbersstoredin thedialing i2 i_ Function Lets youaccess the Funtlion hi index Help functiongranaming nlode and pro _ _ _ _ 3 3 C _ I Stop I Stop Copy Start I celsan operation orexitsfromfunc tionmode Copy Makes a copy OneTouch DialKeys Thesefivekeys giveyouinstant access toprevi ouslystored phonenumbers Start Startsan opera tion such assend ing a fax ...

Страница 11: ...ever touchtelephone wiresorterminalsthatarenot insulated unlessthe telephonelinehasbeendisconnected atthenetwork interface 4 Usecautionwheninstallingormodifying telephonelines 5 Avoid usingatelephone otherthan a cordless type duringanelectrical storm Theremaybea remoteriskofelectric shockfromlightning 6 Donotusethetelephone toreporta gasleakinthevicinity oftheleak 7 ForPLUGGABLE EQUIPMENT thesocke...

Страница 12: ...lliliilllliilillilil i Packing List Makesureyouhavethefollowingitems Telephone line cord Telephone handset Document support One roll of Brother Therma PLUS recording paper Starter roll Owner s Manual One Touch name label Quick Reference Guide ...

Страница 13: ...tdisruptthepower supply Avoid interference sources suchasspeakers orthebaseunitsofcordless phones Donot placethingsin frontofthefaxmachine Blililliliilili iilillillillililllliliil lii illi Assembly See Instructions printed inside paper bin Load the recording paper 1 Liftupthecoverbyplacingyourfingerinthegroove underthearrowinthe frontcenterofthecover andliftup 2 Pulltherelease lever blue ontheprin...

Страница 14: ...cethe machineis grounded throughthepower outlet youcanprotect yourself from potentially hazardous electrical conditions on thetelephone network bykeeping thepowertoyourfaxmachineon whenyouconnectit toa telephone line Similarly youcanprotectyourself whenyouwanttomoveyourmachine by disconnecting thetelephone linefirst andthenthepower cord 3 Lightning and power surgescandamagethisproduct We recommend...

Страница 15: ...nes Arolloverphonesystem is a groupoftwoor moreseparatetelephone linesthat passincomingcallstoeachotheriftheyarebusy Thecallsareusuallypassed downor rolledover tothenextavailable phonelineina presetorder Yourfaxmachinecan workin a rolloversystem aslongasit isthelastnumber inthesequence sothecallcannotrollaway Donotputthefaxmachineon any oftheothernumbers whentheotherlinesarebusyanda secondfaxcalli...

Страница 16: ...l walloutlet installedandslaveor jumponeofthephonenumberstoit Thethirdwayistheeasiest Buyatriplexadapter Youcanpluga triplexadapter into anRJ14 outlet Itseparates thewiresintotwoseparateRJll jacks Line1 Line2 anda thirdRJ14jack Lines1and2 PlugthefaxmachineintoLine2 ofthetriplexadapter Triplex Adapter RJ14 _ RJ11 RJ14 Installing Fax Machine Two Line TAD and Two Line Telephone Whenyou are installing...

Страница 17: ...D Line Fax Machine Two Line Phone L1 L2 Youcan keeptwo line telephones on otherwalloutletsas always Therearetwo waysto adda two line telephone tothefaxmachine swalloutlet Youcanplug thetelephone linecordfromthetwo line telephoneintotheLI L2jackofthe triplexadapter Or youcanplugthetwo linetelephone intotheTELjackofthe two lineTAD See Fax Only Mode p 29 Multi Line Connections PBX Mostoffices usea ce...

Страница 18: ...heitherpulseor tonedialingtelephone service Custom Features on Your Phone Line Ifyou haveCallWaiting Ring Master VoiceMail an answeringservice alarm systemor any othercustom featureon your telephoneline it may create a problem in the operationof yourfax machine Connecting a Telephone Answering Device TAD Sequence WhenyouhaveaTAD on thesametelephone lineas thefaxmachine theTA1 answers all calls The...

Страница 19: ...ugthetelephone linecordfromthewalljackintotheleftsideofthefax machine inthejacklabeledLINE 2 Plugthetelephone linecordfromyourTAD intotheleftsideofthefax machine inthejacklabeled EXT Make surethiscordisconnected tothe TAD at theTAD s telephone linejack andnotitstelephone setjack 3 Press_ untilthescreendisplays T Ar l_ AH _ Ij I E R 1 I 1C H 4 SetyourTAD to4 ringsor less Thefaxmachine s RingDelay s...

Страница 20: ...ivationCodefor peoplesending manual faxes Forexample Afterthe beep leave a messageor send a faxbypressing 5 1 Connecting an External Telephone Yourfax machine isequippedwith a handsetthat youcan use as a regular phone However you can also connect a separatetelephone ortelephone answeringdevice directlytoyour fax machine Connectthe modular plug on the telephone sline cordto the jack labeledEXT on t...

Страница 21: ...LSE DIRLING TONE DIRLItqG PULSE 2 Use or _ toselectdialingmode 3 Press whenthescreendisplays thedialingmodeyouwant 4 Press _ Setting Date and Time Your faxmachinedisplays thedateandtime andprintsit onevery faxyousend Intheeventofapowerfailure thefaxmachinemaintainsdateandtime information foraboutonehour Allothersettings remainuneffected 1 Press_ I_ Thescreenpromptsyou toenter the year ENTER YEAR _...

Страница 22: ...faxpages 1 Press_ I_ _ Thescreenpromptsyou to enteryour fax number FAX J 2 Enteryour fax number up to 20 digits The screendisplaysyour entry 3 Press _ The screenpromptsyou to enteryour telephonenumber TEL 4 Enteryour telephonenumber up to 20digits Ifyour telephone number and fax number are the same enter the same number again 5 Press _ Thescreenpromptsyoutoenteryourname oryourcompanyname NFII IE J...

Страница 23: ...s Ifyouwanttoenterablankspace press _ twice Making corrections Ifyouentereda letterincorrectly andwanttochangeit press _ tomovethe cursorback Whenyoureachtheletteryouwanttochange entera newonein its place Repeating letters Ifyou need to enter a character assignedtothe samekey as the previous character press _ to movethe cursorto the right Special characters and symbols Press for space Press for A_...

Страница 24: ...youcan dialbypressing onekey You can alsostorenameswiththesenumbers Whenyoupressa OneTouchdial location thescreendisplays thenameornumberasthecallisdialed One Touch keys are not the dial pad keys They are the5 keys number 1 5 located to the right of the dial pad Press_ _ _ Press the One Touch key where you want to store a number Key _ is pre programmed for Brother Fax Back System You can override ...

Страница 25: ...3 5seconds pleasecallBrotherCustomer Service at 1 800 284 4329 intheUSA or 1 800 853 6660 fromwithinCanada Youcan use chain dialing to storelong dialing sequences Forexample to store 9 1 201 555 1234 987 65 4321 dividethe number into 2 parts Storethe firstpart as a Chaintypenumber this tellsthe systemthat the dialing sequenceis not complete CHAIN 9 1 201 555 1234 The last part must be stored as an...

Страница 26: ...onds Storing Speed Dial Numbers Youcanstore15 Fax170 or 20 Fax190 Speed Dialnumbers whichyoudial bypressingonlythreekeys Evenifyouloseelectrical power numbersstoredin memorywillnotbelost 1 Press_ _ _ Thescreenpromptsyoutoentera location SPEEE E IRL 7 _ 2 Usethekeypad toentera2 digitlocation 01 15forFax170 01 20for Fax190 Thescreendisplays yourentry thenpromptsyoutoenterthe numberyou restoring _ OS...

Страница 27: ...hen the other party answers The speaker works only one way the other party won t be able to hear you unless you pick up the handset Changing One Touch and Speed Dial Numbers Ifyoutrytostorea One lbuchor Speed Dialnumberina location wherea numberisalready stored thescreendisplays thecurrentnamestoredthere then promptsyoutoeither 1 CHANGE OR 2 EXIT 1 Press tochangetilenumberstored orpress _ toexitwi...

Страница 28: press a key or make an error and at the end of fax sending or receiving _ Press _ _ _ Press _ or _ toselectyoursetting 3 Whenthescreendisplays thesetting youwant press _ 4 Press _ _l toexit Temporary Memory Backup Storage All settings in the SET AUTODIAL USEROPTIONS TEL OPTIONS and SETUP SYSTEM functionsarestoredpermanentlyandwillberetainedevenintheevent ofapower failure ...

Страница 29: ...edstep by step on screenpromptstohelpyouprogramyourfaxmachine Allyouneedtodois followthepromptsastheyguideyouthroughthefunctionmenuselections and programmingoptionsandsettings Function Mode Youcan access thefunctionmodebypressing_ Whenyouenterthe functionmode yourfaxmachinedisplays a listofLevel OneFunctions from whichyoucan choose Thesefunctionoptionsappearoneaftertheotheronthe display Selectanop...

Страница 30: ...ucan performmostoftheprogramming settings withouttheOwner s Manual Tohelp youunderstand thefunctionselections options andsettings thatarefoundin yourfaxprograms usetheFunctionSelection Tablebelow rJ_ m i Function 1 TIMER 2 POLLING 3 CALLRESERVE 4 CONTRAST 5 RESOLUTION 6 OVERSEAS MODE 7 COVERPAGE Description Send documentslater Retrieve faxesfromanother machine Youcan senda fax then speak Changelig...

Страница 31: ...ypressingonlyonekey Dialnumbersstoredin memory pressingonly3 keys Enhance theappearanceof incomingfaxes Adjust volumelevelof beeper Sendautomaticcoverpage withcomment Selecta grayscalelevel Selectdialingmode Number ofringsbeforemachine answersin F Tor FAX ONLY mode Adjust speakervolume Setsthetimefor double ring in F Fmode Adjust volumeofringer Use withphonecompany distinctiveringingservice toregi...

Страница 32: ...D displayandtoprinton trmlsmissions Senddelayedjobsat the same timeeveryday Selecttheintervaloftime between activity reports Programname fax number andtelephonenumberto appearon eachtransmittedpage Entercodetoactivateor deactivatemachinefrom a remotelocation Receive faxmessages without pressingStartkey 00 00 OFF ON ON More lnfo p 15 p 35 p 48 p 16 p 41 p 30 p 36 ...

Страница 33: ...incheslong Yourfaxmachinecanonlyscananimage8 2incheswide regardless ofhowwidethepaperis Make sure you insert documents face down top edge first Adjust the paper guides to fit the width of your document Paper guides Theautomaticdocument feeder ADF can holdupto 10pages feedingeach oneindividually throughthefaxmachine Usestandard 20lb paperwhen usingtheADF ifyou reusingheavier paper feedeachsheetindi...

Страница 34: ...fyour document isverylight or verydark you might want to set the contrast accordingly 1 Insert the document facedown in the feeder 2 Press_ _ _ 3 Use_ or _ to selectAUTO S LIGHT or S DARK 4 Whenthe screendisplaysyour selection press _ 5 Press _ to exit 6 Press_ to send a fax OR Press_ to make a copy See One Touch p 18 Manual Transmission Manualtransmission letsyouhearthedialtone ringing andfaxchir...

Страница 35: is busy and will automatically redial up to three times ilililllllllllllilllilllllllllllill lilllillliilli Receiving Faxes de Distinctive Ringing p 42 Select Answer Mode Manual Youmustanswerallcallsyourself Youcan usethismodewith Distinctive Ringing Fax Only Thefaxmachineautomatically answers every callas afaxcall Youcannotreceive avoicecall butyoucan dialout andmakeavoicecall F r Thefaxmachine...

Страница 36: ...uanswera fax callandhearcallingbeeps Justholdthehandsetandwaita fewseconds When yousee Receive on thefaxscreenorwhenyouhear chirps throughthe handsetofanextension phoneconnected toanotherwalljack justreplacethe handset andthefaxmachinedoestherest Selecting ON allows themachineto receive faxcallsautomatically evenifyouliftthehandsetofanextensionphone Selecting SEMI letsthefaxmachinereceive thecallo...

Страница 37: ...timesthefaxmachinerings beforeit answers Ifyouhaveextension phoneson thesamelineasthefax machine settheRingDelay to4 t Press _ _ 2 Press or toselecthowmanytimesthelineringsbeforethefax machineanswers 00 04 Ifyouselect00 thelinedoesn tringat all 3 Press whenthescreendisplays yourselection 4 Press _ toexit Setting Frr Ring Time Youneedtodeterminehowlongthefaxmachinewillsendyouitsspecial double ringw...

Страница 38: ... You can set the volume of the fax machine speaker 1 Press _ _ _ Press _ or toselectyourvolumesetting OFF LOW MEDIUM or HIGH 3 Press _ when the screen displays your selection 4 Press _ to exit Even if you select OFEthe sounds you hear after pressing _ remain on LOW Ring Volume Youcan selecthowloudly orif thefaxmachinerings Press _ _ 2 Press _ or to select OFE LOW MEDIUM or HIGH Press _ when the sc...

Страница 39: ...ial the call pick up the handsetwhenthe otherparty answers Thespeakerworksonlyone way the other partywon tbe ableto hear you unlessyou pick up the handset See One Touch p 18 One Touch Dialing 1 Pickup the handset OR Press ff_ 2 Whenyou hear a dial tone pressthe OneTouchkeyof the location youwant tocall i3 Ifyou pressed _ to dial the call pick up the handset whenthe otherparty answers Thespeakerwor...

Страница 40: ...insert a 3 5secondpausebetweennumbers Tone Pulse Ifyouhavepulsedialingservice butneedtosendtonesignals fortelephone banking forexample follow thedirections below Ifyouhavetouchtoneservice youdonotneedthisfeaturetosendtonesignals 1 Liftthehandset 2 Press J_ Anydigitsdialedafterthissendtonesignals 3 When youhangup thefaxmachinereturnstopulsedialingservice See One Touch and Speed Dial p 20 Searching ...

Страница 41: ...rexample enter19 45 for7 45Pm 3 Wait2seconds thenpress_ toexit Delayed Transmission Youcan usethisfunctiontosenda faxup to24hourslater 1 Insertthedocumentinthefeeder 2 Press_ _ 3 4 5 Enterthetimeyouwantthefaxtobesent in 24 hourfomaat forexample enter19 45for7 45PM Waittwoseconds thescreenwilldisplay 1 TIMER thenpress _ The screenpromptsyoutoenterthefaxnumberandpressthe_ key IENTER FI IX NO I _o J ...

Страница 42: ...i 6 Afterthe transmission isfinished return the firstdocument to the feeder 7 Press_ _ to restorethe timer Canceling a Delayed Fax Youcan cancel tasksyou ve scheduledusingthe timer 1 Press_ _ Anywaiting jobsappearon the display Ifnothing is waiting the screendisplaysNOJOBWAITING 2 CANCEL JOE J 2 Press _ when the screendisplaysthe jobyouwant tocancel 3 Press_ tocancel OR Press _ to exitwithoutcance...

Страница 43: ...includes thename number storedintheOne lbuchor SpeedDialmemory Ifyou redialingmanually thenameisleftblank 2 ThecoverpageindicatesthefaxisfromyourStationID andthenumberof pagesyou resending Ifyou resending fromautomatic settings thenumber ofpagesremainsblank 3 Youcanselectcomments toincludeonyourcover page cc r r IENT OFF 2 PLEASE CALL 3 URGENT 4 r 01 I g I DENT I AL J Always Send Cover Page Youcan...

Страница 44: ...dethenumberofpagesinyourdocument t Insertthedocumentinthefeeder 2 Press _ _ _ 3 Press _ or to select ONor OFE 4 Press whenthescreendisplays yourselection 5 Press _ or toview commentselections 1 COMMENT OFF 2 PLEASE CALL J 3 UF GENT J 4 ONF IDENT IR 6 Press_ whenthescreendisplays yourselection l Enterthenumberofpagesyouaresending EnterI_ toleavenumberofpagesblank 8 Wait2seconds thenpress _ 9 Entert...

Страница 45: ...eendisplays thecurrentsettingforCall Reservation CALL RESERUE OH J CRLL RESERUE OFF 3 Press or _ toselectONor OFE 4 Press _ whenthescreendisplays yourselection Thescreendisplays the currentsettingforCallBackMessage CALL BACk OFF J CRLL BF ICI ON J 5 Press or _ to selectONor OFF 6 Press _ when the screendisplaysyour selection 7 Press _ The screenprompts you to enter the fax number you want to call ...

Страница 46: ...orChaindialing When youuseOneTouchandSpeedDial onlythe memory location notthenameofthepersonyou recalling isdisplayed 1 Insertthedocuments in thefeeder Ifnecessary press_ toadjust resolution 2 Enterthefaxnumber 3 Press 4 Press_ Thescreendisplays NEXT FRX RESERUD J 5 Tocancelthereservation remove thedocuments andpress _ You can t usethisfeatureifthereis adocument waitinginthefeeder possibly for Del...

Страница 47: ... _ waitforfaxreceiving tones chirps thenhangup Your callerwill havetopress_ tosendthefax See FZFRing Time p 31 For F T Mode Only Whenthemachineis inF Tmode itwillusetheF TRingTime doubleringing toalertyoutoavoicecall Ifyou reatthefaxmachineyoucan liftthehandsetto answer Ifyou reat anextension phone you llneedtoliftthehandsetduringtheF T RingTimeandpress _ between thedoublerings If nooneisonthe lin...

Страница 48: ... your faxmachine Yourfax machine has a distinctiveringingfunction allowingyouto dedicateonephonenumberjustfor receivingfaxes You llneedtofollowthe directionsbelowto register the distinctiveringingpattern soyour fax machine can recognizeitsincomingcalls Youwillneedanotherperson standingbyon anotherlineto helpyouwithStep6 ofthisregistration Youcanchangeorcancelthedistinctive ringing patternat anytim...

Страница 49: ...chine Ifit is waitfor at least 2 completerings Thescreendisplays P CK UP TO SET J Liftthe fax machine handsetand press _ _ Thescreendisplays REGISTERED Ifthe incorrectdistinctiveringing number wascalled press _ to cancel 0 Hangup Onceyou ve registeredthe distinctiveringing number in your fax machine you can turn this featureONor OFE Tochange the setting followsteps 1to 4 above selectingONor OFE Ca...

Страница 50: ...rea Polling Pollingis theprocessofretrieving faxesfromanotherfaxmachine Youcanuse yourfaxmachineto poll othermachines oryoucan havesomeone pollyour machine Allpartiesinvolved inpollingneedtosetup theirfaxmachinestoaccommodate polling Whensomeone pollsyourmachinetoreceive a fax theypayforthecall ifyoupollsomeone s faxmachinetoreceive a fax youpayforthecall Somefaxmachinesdonot respond tothepollingf...

Страница 51: ...ure youwillneedto use the Interrupting Timerto send a fax 1 Make sure no document is in thefeeder 2 Press _ _ _ 3 Wait 2 seconds Thescreendisplays F OLL INLS OFF 4 Press _ or_ to choose ON 5 Press _ 6 Press _ Thescreenprompts youtoenterthetimeyouwanttobeginpolling SET TIfIE BO 00 7 Enterthetime in 24 hourformat youwanttobeginpolling Forexample enter21 45for9 45PM 8 Wait2seconds thenpress _ Thescre...

Страница 52: ...nnotscananythingcloserthanone eighthinchfromthe edgeofthepaper Settheresolution toS FINE or PHOTO 1 Placedocument facedowninthefeeder 2 Press _ You canpress _ againforfasterresponse otherwise copying beginsinabout5seconds Donotpullonthepaperwhilecopying is inprogress ...

Страница 53: ...omingand outgoing faxes TXmeansTransmitted RXmeansReceived m _ 8LL D I8L Lists namesandnumbersstoredin OneTouchandSpeed Dialmemory innumericalorder _ T EL I t m DE 2 ALL DIAL list above in alphabetical order 4 COUERPA6E J 5 CFILL BFICK MS6 6 U E F 0 F T I n N J Letsyoucheckcoverpageformat LetsyoucheckCallBackMessage format 7 XNIT REF ORT Listsyour settingsforUSER OPTIONS TELOPTIONS SETUPSYSTEM You...

Страница 54: ... 3 Whenthescreendisplays thesettingyouwant press _ Enterthetimetobeginprinting in 24 hourformat Forexample enter 19 45for7 45PM 5 Wait2seconds 6 Press _ toexit Transmission Verification Xmit Report Youcan usetheXmitReportasproofthatyousenta fax Thisreportliststhe nameorfaxnumberofthereceiving party thetimeanddateoftransmission andifthetrammissionwassuccessful When the feature is OFF the report is ...

Страница 55: ...peak hours suchasearlymorningor lateevening Thisequipmentcomplies withPart68of FCC Rules Ontherearpanelofthis equipmentisa labelthatcontains amongotherinformation theFCC Registra tionNumberandRingerEquivalence Number REN forthisequipment You must uponrequest provide thisinformationtoyourtelephone company Youma_ safely con_ _ect th_sequi pment to the telephone net aorkby means ofa standardmodular a...

Страница 56: ...le You will beinformed ofyourrighttofilea complaintwiththeFCC Yourtelephone company maymakechangestoitsfacilities equipment opera tionsorprocedures thatcouldaffecttheproperfunctioningofyourequipment If theydo youwillbenotified inadvancetogiveyouan opportunity tomaintain uninterrupted telephone service Ifyouexperience troublewiththisfax pleasecontactthemanufacturer s authorized service agencyforinf...

Страница 57: aparticularinstallation Ifthis equipmentdoescauseharmfulinterference toradioor television reception which can bedetermined byturningtheequipment offandon theuserisencouraged to trytocorrecttheinterference byoneormoreofthefollowing measures Reorient or relocatethereceiving antenna Increasetheseparation between thefaxequipmentandthereceiver Connect thefaxequipment on aseparatecircuit Consult with...

Страница 58: ... unlessproperventilation isprovided 8 Thisproductshouldbeoperated fromthetypeofpowersourceindicated on thelabel Ifyouarenotsureofthetypeofpoweravailable consultwithyour dealeror localpowercompany 9 Thisproductisequipped witha 3 wire groundingtypeplug a plughavinga third grounding pin Thisplugwillfitintoonlya grounding type power outlet Thisisa safety feature Ifyouareunabletoinserttheplugintothe ou...

Страница 59: ... Back System 1 800 853 6660 callingwithinCanada8Am 8 PmEST 1 514 685 4898 fax 1 514 685 6464 callingwithinMontreal 1 800 681 9838 Fax Back System 16Unplugthisproductfromthewalloutletandreferservicing toAuthorized Service Personnel underthefollowing conditions A Whenthepower cordisdamagedorfrayed B If liquidhasbeenspilledintotheproduct C If theproducthasbeenexposed torainorwateI D Iftheproductdoesn...

Страница 60: ...CHAPTER NINE ...

Страница 61: ourFax Back systemandfollow thevoicepromptstoreceive faxedinstructions aboutusingthesystem andanindexofFax Back subjects USA 1 800 521 2846 From within Canada 1 800 681 9838 Brother Home Page Visit the Interact BrotherHome Page on theWorld Wide Web at http www brother com Brother Bulletin Board Brother s Bulletin Board Number is From within the USA 1 714 859 2610 From within Canada 1 514 625 ...

Страница 62: ... office equipment supplier for this product Front cover Engraved marking c o r 1 M ERROR Apoor quality phone line resulted in a communications error Try the call again C JI IN E _ T_i ON FA i_L You have requested a polling call from another party but the other fax machine is not in Poll Waiting mode COUER OPEN J The cover is not completely closed CUTTER _IAH The fax paper is jammed in the cutter 1...

Страница 63: ...7 Load the fax paper again and push the blue release lever down Close the cover D ISCOHHEP TED Theotherpartyhas disconnectedduring a call or fax Trycalling the other party DOC UMEHT dRl l _ Thedocuments werenotinsertedorfedproperly orweretoolong 1 Openthecover 2 Pullthedocuments towardthefrontofthefaxmachine in thesame directiontheywerefeeding 3 Closethecover Frontcover PULL ...

Страница 64: ...nformation aboutstoringOneTouch or Speed Dialnumbers PAPER ROLL EMPT J Thepaper roll isempty followthe instructionsin Installation to replacethe paper roll F RI I ITERFRLILT Therecording head has overheated Unplug the machine and wait 30minutes for itto cool PR INTER Thefaxpaperis jammedintheprinter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 JAM Unplug the power cord Open the cover by lifting it at the grooves Pull the blue r...

Страница 65: ...rviceat From within the USA 1 800 284 4FAX 4329 From within Canada 1 800 853 6660 From within montreal 1 514 685 6464 Front cover _ Other Problems Recording Paper Jam Ifsomething wasplacedinfrontofyourfaxmachine duringprintingthe recording papermaybecome jammed Torollout thejammed paper gentlyturn thepaperrollforward towardthefrontofthemachine Recording paper ...

Страница 66: ...ereceiving faxmachine DialingDoes NotWork Check fora dialtone Change TONE PULSE setting see FaxSettings Checkalllinecordconnections andmakesurethecurledhandsetcordisnotin the XTjack Check powercordconnection Senda manualfax press_ orlifthandset andwaittohearfaxreceiving tonesbeforepressing _it q Enabling Disabling Anti CurlCheckSheet ACS Although tile factorysettingof Anti CurlCheckSheetfeature is...

Страница 67: ...usingisopropyl alcohol anda lint freecloth See For FIT Mode onty p 41 Ring Change in F I Mode If the fax machine double rings short short after the non nal rings from the telephone company and you have the fax machine set to F T Mode your fax machine is signaling you to take over a call Pick up the fax machine handset and speak or from an extension phone press 51 to take the call Transmission Veri...

Страница 68: ...urlocalphonecompany toreporttheproblem Fax Hears VoiceasCNG Tone Ifyourfaxmachineis settoEasyReceive On andit answers voicecallsbytrying toreceive a fax tryturningEasyReceive Off ForCustomer Service OSA 1 800 284 4FAX 4329 voice 1 90 271 1937 fax Canada 1 800 853 6660 voice calling withinCanada8AM 8 PMEST 1 514 685 4898 fax 1 514 685 6464 voice calling withinMontreal ToOrderBrother Accessories Ify...

Страница 69: ...g 52 60 Connecting 2 8 12 14 Contrast 24 28 Control Panel 3 4 Copy 24 28 38 46 59 61 CoverPage 16 18 19 24 25 37 38 47 59 Daily Timer 26 35 DatemidTime 15 16 18 26 31 Delayed Polling 45 Delayed Transmission 35 39 40 Distinctive Ringing 25 29 32 42 43 Document 27 28 D RSetMode 43 Easy Receive 26 ErrorMessages 56 Extension Cord 52 Extension Telephone 29 30 31 41 61 External Telephone 14 30 F Fax Bac...

Страница 70: ...2 Photo 28 46 Polling 24 39 44 Power 7 8 15 20 22 52 53 Printing 32 38 48 52 59 60 R Redial i 29 36 39 40 Remote Activation 14 42 61 Remote Codes 26 41 42 Remote Deactivation 42 Reports 25 32 47 Resolution 24 28 40 46 60 RingDelay 13 25 29 30 31 32 RingVolume 25 32 SettingUp 5 Smoothing 25 32 Speaker Volume 25 32 Specifications 65 SpeedDial 20 21 StandardMode 28 StationID 1 16 18 26 37 39 SuperFin...

Страница 71: ...dthermalpaper 30m 98feet withThermaPLUS paper Linethermal 32levels Automatic LCD 16characters Standard Delay Automatic Super Light Super Dark manualsetting Horizontal8dot mm 203dot inch Vertical Standard 3 85line ram 98line inch Fine Photo 7 7line ram 196line inch Superfine Photo copy 15 4line mm 392line inch 5stations 15stations FAX 170 20 stations FAX 190 3timesat5minuteintervals Monitor 0 1 2 3...

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Страница 76: ...erseas because it ma _ violate the Telecommunications IAegu ations of that COURtly and the power requirements ol your 1ax machine may not be compatib e w th the power available in foreign countries Using USA or CANADA models overseas is at your own risk and will void your warranty Manufactured by Brother Industries Ltd whose quality system is registered by BSI and JQA BSI Certificate of registrati...
