4. Make sure the AC Power Cord is disconnected from the AC power outlet
(electrical socket), and then plug the Cutter Module Cable into the Cable
• Secure the cable by affixing the Adhesive Hook onto the PCB side.
• DO NOT force the cable into the socket.
• Make sure you align the Cutter Module Cable's Connector with the Cable
Socket before plugging the Cutter Module Cable, as illustrated.
5. Mount the Cutter Module by inserting both bolts into the Mounting Holes, as
6. Fasten the two Fixing Bolts and four Screws to secure the Cutter Module
(fastened by 0.74 N • m ± 0.10 N • m).
7. Fasten the Shoulder Screw on the Cutter Module plate as illustrated (fastened
by 0.74 N
m ± 0.10 N • m).
8. Complete the installation by loading the print media.
For more information about loading the media after installing the Cutter
Module, see sections
3.2 Load the Ribbon
3.4.4 Load Media in Cutter
Mode (Optional)
in your label printer's
User's Guide