This material provides the necessary information for directly controlling the templates
transferred to PT-9800PCN/PT-9700PC.
We accept no responsibility for any problems caused by programs that you develop using the
information provided in this material, affecting software, data or hardware, including the
PT-9800PCN/PT-9700PC, and any problems resulting directly or indirectly from them. Use
this material only if you accept these terms.
This material shall not be reproduced, in part or in full, without prior approval. In addition, this
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1. Set up the printer from
the computer according
to configuration of the
host device.
What is P-touch Template?
P-touch Template is a tool for transferring ASCII
text and binary data from a host device to a
template transferred to the printer. This
transferred data is inserted into text objects or bar
code objects in the template.
3. Transfer the data
(text) from the host
device, and then
print it in the
2. Design the template
in P-touch Editor, and
then transfer it to the
This allows the user to develop a printing system that connects directly from the host
device. Compatible host devices are listed below.
Scale/measurement devices
Medical devices
Bar code readers
Control devices in any system environment
*The host device should be equipped with a connector for a serial cable (RS-232C) or
USB-A cable in order to transfer the data.