9. Quit the TM Baby app (quitting the app is different from closing or exiting the
app, refer to your device’s user manual for details if necessary).
10. Switch the Wi-Fi CONNECTION SWITCH on the bottom of the Monitor to
“HOME NETWORK”. The MULTI-COLOR NIGHT LIGHT will show for several
seconds while the Monitor is restarting.
11. The Wi-Fi CONNECT LED INDICATOR will blink rapidly while the Monitor
is searching for a connection. After approximately 60 seconds, the Wi-Fi
CONNECT LED INDICATOR will start to blink slowly indicating that the
monitor is ready to connect.
12. On your device, go to Wi-Fi Settings. Select the SSID address of your Wi-Fi
Network to connect to your Wi-Fi Network.
Note: If the Monitor's SSID address is listed as a network on your device, it is not
properly linked to your Wi-Fi Network. Repeat Steps 2-12
to link the Monitor to
your Wi-Fi Network.
13. Exit out of Settings and open the TM Baby app. The Wi-Fi CONNECT LED
INDICATOR will change from blinking to solid and the video will live-stream.
Connect Multiple Monitors to your Wi-Fi Network to view video from different
Monitors and enable the TM Baby app to be active while other apps or the internet
are accessed.
1. Download the TM Baby app from the App Store or Google Play.
2. Switch the Wi-Fi switch on the bottom of the first Monitor to "DIRECT
3. Insert the AC ADAPTER into the first Monitor's DC IN PORT. Plug the AC
ADAPTER into a wall outlet. The MULTI-COLOR NIGHT LIGHT will show for
several seconds while the Monitor is powering on.
4. The Wi-Fi CONNECT LED INDICATOR will blink rapidly while the Monitor
is searching for a connection. After several seconds, the Wi-Fi CONNECT
LED INDICATOR will start to blink slowly indicating that the monitor is ready
to connect.
5. On your device, go to Settings and turn Wi-Fi on.
6. Locate the SSID address of the first Tranquil Moments Wi-Fi Baby Monitor
which is printed on the underside of the Monitor. The SSID address starts with
“TMBaby” and is followed by 12 unique digits.
1. Select “Other” in your device’s Wi-Fi menu.
2. Enter the entire SSID address as it appears on your Monitor for “Name.”
3. Select “None” for “Security.”