Instruction Manual mini CORI-FLOW ML120
In the image below an E-8000 power supply/readout control unit with FLOW-BUS interface is connected to two
mini CORI-
Series instruments via the RJ-45 top-connector FLOW-BUS interface. In this example one instrument serves as
'local host' for communicating with a Windows computer to all instruments on the bus via an available RS232 connector.
Note: communication with all the instruments on the FLOW-BUS system is possible when using an
mini CORI-FLOW ML120
Series instrument as local-host RS232/FLOW-BUS interface. It is also possible to use multiple local-host RS232/FLOW-BUS
interfaces in a FLOW-BUS system simultaneously.
Power the instruments in a FLOW-BUS local-host system by hooking-up the power supply directly on the FLOW-BUS line
and not by powering a set of instruments through the 9-pin D-sub connector on one of the digital instruments.
document 9.17.024 - Instruction manual FLOW-BUS interface
for more information about hook-up and
communication. Modbus
In the example below the Modbus power supply is provided by an E-8000. The instruments are connected to the bus via
RS485 cables with RJ-45 connector and a Multiport connector. The RS485 - USB2.0 adapter can be used to connect the system
to a Modbus master device.
document 9.17.035 - Instruction manual Modbus
for more information about hook-up and communication.
document 9.17.076 - Instruction manual E-8000
for more information about power supply and communication
options of the E-8000.