Ioexplorer. Please refer to the RTU8 Manual for instructions on how to scan an outstation.
Once this has been achieved, you can check by looking in the system log (bottom of screen in
Ioexplorer) where it will say that a connection exists, highlight the RTU8 on the left of the
screen and you will see four tabs appear on the right of the screen. (See fig 1.0)
Entering the Phone Numbers
Now select the config tab and double click on the “Tel. no.” field. A box will appear into which
you can enter the telephone numbers of the mobile phones to which messages will need to be
sent, (See fig 1.1) This box will only appear if you have a connection to the RTU8.
Note that the fields are numbered 0 – 49, 50 in total, and make a note of which telephone
number is in which field. You will need this information when you make your B-CON task. If
you are entering international numbers prefix the number with a “+” and the call will
automatically be routed through an International Service i.e. No need to use 001 etc.
Once you have entered all the numbers hit the “write” button and the numbers will be
downloaded into the RTU8, it will take a few seconds, after which you can close this box.
Entering the SMS Telephone Number
Scroll down the config tab and double click on the “SMS Tel. no.” field. A box will appear into
which you can enter the telephone number. (See Fig 1.3)
This is the number of the SMS message centre though which SMS messages are sent. Often
this number is not required and this field can be left blank. Please check with your GSM
service provider.
Entering the Message Texts
Scroll down the config tab and double click on the “SMS Text” field. A box will appear into
which you can enter the text of the ten different messages that can be sent, (See fig 1.4)
Note that the fields are numbered 0 – 9, 10 in total, and make a note of which message is in
which field. You will need this information when you make your B-CON task.
This box will only appear if you have a connection to the RTU8.
That completes the configuration of the SMS functions in Ioexplorer. We now need to make
the B-CON task, which will control the sending of the SMS messages.
Please refer to the B-CON Getting Started Guide and Manual for instructions on how to use
the B-CON editor and make B-CON tasks.
B-CON Configuration
The B-CON task running in the RTU8 needs to decide:
To whom a message should be sent
Which message should be sent
When to send a message
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