RTU32M Series User Guide
Brodersen A/S, Islevdalvej 187, DK-2610 Roedovre, Denmark, Tel: +45 45 35 26 27, Fax: +45 45 35 26 29, Email: [email protected]
August 2018
RTU Memory Status (STATMEMORY)
The function StatMemory returns the RTU32M memory status.
The commonly used monitoring functions are dwMemory Load, dwTotalPhys and dwAvailPhys.
The dwTotalPhys tells you how much RAM program memory is available in the RTU. The rest of the RAM memory up to around 64MB is
used for storage (file system etc.).
The dwAvailPhys tells you how much available program memory you have in your RTU. The rest is used by the Operating System and
your PLC application.
The dwMemoryLoad tells you in percent the actual RAM program memory load. With a medium PLC runtime application you will see a
load of approx. 50%. Only applications with multiple driver connections and a lot of logic will require larger amount of memory. The
maximum load recommended on a RTU is 90%.
Typical memory status in a running RTU32M