COM port you want to use and then click the Connect button.
If the application is able to connect to the trans-
mitter then you will be presented with a screen
similar to the one on the right. Once connected
you should be able to view all the parameters of
the transmitter as well as being able to mute the
R.F., change the frequency, change the R.F.
power and reset any alarm flags that have been
2.43 Terminal control of the transmitter
Please see the instructions for your terminal software package to find out how
to connect to a remote serial device. The transmitter is internally set to com-
municate at 9600 bps, no parity with 1 stop bit. This is commonly known as
9600 8N1. If your using windows then you can use the pre bundled terminal
program “hyper-terminal”. This is located in the accessories/communications
folder accessible from the start menu. Select direct to com port x where x is
the com port that the transmitter is connected to. You will be presented with a
dialog box like the one shown to the right. Select 9600, 8 , none ,1 with hard-
ware flow control and then click ok.
If you are using another terminal program then you may need to consult the
documentation for that software but it should be pretty much straight forward.
The transmitter will respond to certain key presses and each one has a certain function. See the list below for
details of what key to press for each function.
The most important key press is the ‘enter’ key. This will need to be
pushed as soon as you connect to the transmitter so you can get the trans-
mitter to refresh your terminal window with the transmitters status and
parameters. (shown on next page)
The transmitter won’t respond to any of the other key presses until it
detects the ‘enter’ key is pressed. Once the enter key is pressed the trans-
mitter will listen out for other key presses for 60 seconds. This Initial ‘enter’
key validation and time window is a safety feature to prevent the transmit-
ter from detecting an erroneous key press such as r.f. mute and causing a
service affecting problem.
After performing a function you may need to press the ‘enter’ key to see a response to your function. For exam-
ple, If you pressed ‘o’ for R.F. Mute you would not see the effect of the R.F. power change until you refreshed the
screen again because the terminal window would still be showing the transmitters R.F. power from the previous
‘enter’ (screen refresh) command, prior to you performing the R.F. mute command.
TX FM Transmitter technical manual
page 11
Installation and setup
Frequency up
Frequency down
R.F. power up
R.F. power down
Reset alarms (all to 0 / off)
Mute R.F.
Unmute R.F.
Refresh screen
Hyper Terminal connection
TXCTRL when connected
Содержание TX 150/300
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