Страница 2: ...c rophone In pu t Operation Playback Record Maint e nance Routine Cleaning and Adjustments lead Alignment Deck Adjustments Roller Perpend iculari ty Push Link Assembly Screw Pressure Adju s tment Tep...
Страница 3: ...D 906 2109 Troubleshooting Suggestions Troubleshooting Suggestions Typical Output Connections Typical Input Connections Block Diagram Record Module Schematic PC Board Layout and Parts Playback Logic P...
Страница 4: ...io equipment Table top unite accept standard A 8 and C size cartridges The dual rack mounted configuration accepts A and B size only 1 2 Specifications Noise 54 dB below dBm output Frequency Response...
Страница 5: ...at your service to answer questions involving Broadcast Electronics Inc products Technical assistance le available in your area from the local franchised dealer or you can write or call us direct at...
Страница 6: ...dels only are located on the rear panel The mating connectors may be wired for either balanced or unbalanced operation ae shown in the diagrams on pages 17 an 18 The output level is set at the factory...
Страница 7: ...this switch will illuminate indicating the unit is in the recording mode Changing to the re cording mode can be accomplished only after the unit has been taken out of the playback or run mode by depr...
Страница 8: ...www SteamPoweredRadio Com I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTE In the record mode the 1 kHz stop tone ie placed on the tape whenever the START switch ie depressed 5...
Страница 9: ...on the adjusting ecrewe in a CLOCKWISE direction so that the spring under the mounting block le being compressed A 050 Allen wrench is provided with each unit for these adjustments To check the track...
Страница 10: ...erased cartridge and put the tape in motion in the record mo de Feed e 12 Hz tone to the record input and ad just the line level control for a program level indication o f 10 VU on the front pane l VU...
Страница 11: ...rt ridge le puehed turn the push link screw l 4 CLOCKWI SE lf the tepe still creeps check for excesslve gap between the solenoid armature assembly and the solenoid The gap should be no more thon the t...
Страница 12: ...ator Carefully fit don t force the shaft straight through the bottom bearing Line up the plastic duet cap with the end of the shaft and firmly pueh the shaft through the cap lf thle cap pope l oose si...
Страница 13: ...the belts do not rub on the motor leads Remount the sub assembly on the deck plate Re connect the motor plug and head leads ln record units Remount the deck plate ln the chaeeis W hen AC power le app...
Страница 14: ...required for adjusting output level and in measuring noise and dlstortion Frequency responee measurements and equal lzatlon adjuetmenta are made with the other tones 5 2 Output Level Refet to Drawlng...
Страница 15: ...Refer to Drawing Number G 914 1393 Connect a high frequency AC VTVM between the Juncllon o f R26 Cl5 to ground Depress the KEC switch to place the unit in record Do not e Jpply any elgnal to the inpu...
Страница 16: ...evel determined in paragraph 5 2 Now adjust R O on the recotd module so thal the front panel VU meler indicates vu 7 Record Equatlzatlo11 Now eet the signal generator for 15 kHz Adjust the generator o...
Страница 17: ...ng to draw in g numbe r C 914 13 90 connect a VTVM to terminate 3 and 4 of the playback board Load a bulk erased c artridge ln the deck and depress the RE C switch DO NOT DEPR ESS THE START SW ITCH In...
Страница 18: ...proper wiring loading and grounding Check the jmpers on the record board for proper sensitivity for the input signal microplOl le or line b Ol8Ck record head alignnmt c Check the reoord 51l lifiers s...
Страница 19: ...d polarity b Test integrated circuits by rreasuring the oc voltage present on the IC input and output pins with a 20 000 chM volt vo 1 his should be ooe half the OC voltage present at the IC OC supply...
Страница 21: ...I I I I I UNBALANCID UStNG STANDARD 2 CONDUCTOR PHONE PLUO rn_l_ ft__ __ i r v i____ __ SHtiLb SClltHATlC CONNICTtOtU BALANCID LlNE FROM 600 OHH TRANSPORMEk l l 600 OHH l JtMINATtoN tasttnJR ADoln TO...
Страница 22: ...ELAY I I I I I L ORIVE YS l Et f 1 I I I I AC I NPLT C t t5E 1 r _ _if __ _ L wf W L VOl TAGE POWEP S JPPc Y vcc PLt Y I 50L hl010 I I _j I I I I L_7 L J c ot J JECTION S TO 2 4 0C _ f M SIT I I I G E...
Страница 23: ...I _ i 1r O o 1 S 3 C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l v E_ 9 p lo r c c c o l 1 a Y i 1 r 1 t i r s _ _ f r o r I t i I J _Ht S s r 1 t J l 1 7 t e 7 I i J f _ _ r t I ii i J 1 T j7 ea rT ____ r 1...
Страница 24: ...1 0 5 3 b l 2 n R S f t 10 4 t J3 l 53 r lc I 01 R 7 I 21 I 4 7 o V l T Pih i 47K I c eu pj l j _l Tl s IA OK L Ar TO t o 8 r 3 ICiOt N 2oo 7 V 19 t 1 J O co _ o 1 02 11 c 10 1 o _ _ ICK 3 t C V CIO 1...
Страница 25: ...4 I0OKfi 100 1053 B t 1r t t i 32 040 2213 I C13 Cl7 CIB 2 2pf SOY 4 I 0K l RIO li 25 R29 R 18 R4 l 5Q 61 t 1r tt 1 CS 22o p s o v 31 040 2223 3 30 06 3 1083 3 3 4 0C 70 I 363 9061 I r 413 002 4 IG 2...
Страница 26: ...1 1 c z l t Oi J 4 z er i i r I i2 4 Ii n c rJ 3_1 e t t 1 t li 1 J J O 1f 6 e A f i so ____ 1 tr o 1 cul lo C t L T iot j w 1 a c c_ I 1 _ IL 0 j t e fl 7 I ___ _ _ _ I f f l t 3 5 J d on j l Sfo G i...
Страница 27: ...www SteamPoweredRadio Com l_ _ 1 7 T o B _I o o r I g Z 1 r 0 1 t X I J a 1 _ r F I I _ I L le T i 1000...
Страница 28: ...ION NOTE UST OF MATERIAL 1 0L 1 1 C UNLESS ORAWN ntW 011 f_ s i h BROADCAST ELECTRONICS INC OTt tEPW S SP f E 0 C W CK 0Ai t 5 S A FILMWA S COMFANt OCC t 1 21 L Ol 3Pl OO Je o TfTLE f l l l ONAL l C...
Страница 29: ...1 1094 2 203 4005 2 227 7B24 I c 514 1 391 I e 9 4 3 1 PART NUMBER Q TY S CSJ 4 4 4 REVISED REDRA W N 3 10 5 BR I DGE RECT IF IER D I HEl NUT b 3 2 L WASHER E 1NT T EE TH PHM PHIL 32 1 3 8 2 PIN C ON...
Страница 30: ...J QO 7 f 9 56 S3 ooo z A 3 4 t0 4 I s 1 4152 I 1 033S I C S 0 03 e 9o aos 1 jmc NJ 1 9 T 46 PACER _ i 1 w t U 2 _ 01 u1 v lT i cc _ _C _ 1 3 _ s i W FT f T Nll J ILJliTC hG CE l T V OTQR F JU E Y TO...
Страница 31: ...www SteamPoweredRadio Com 0 7_J I f n r l J c I 1 I I Y 7 _ 1 I oo u i 1 c Jn t1 0 0 U e U J _ l...
Страница 32: ...ClO Utf81 LAn Ct b l rfP ft OR OV Pt fT C t n 1U T 10 TO 51 f I LI 2 lltl t tf ps Zt V OSA Oil L SS PIN JO l z 3 SHl E U 4 5 6 7 a 9 ro 0 I J 12 Cl 13 ___ _ 1 OUTP UT PLAVS ACK LB i OrlMO l 0 6 STOP C...
Страница 33: ...Condition afte r eigh t h rs L R operat ion______________________ cJ _ _ _ L R P tf_ R Output level P B_ _ _ Distorti o n P B__ R P lf _ _ Frequency Response 400Hz 700Hz 0 db ref 10 vu L Play R L Rec...
Страница 34: ...ication Medias 1223 Tilghman Street Allentown PA 18102 Ph 2151 43Hl607 Bill Davie St lies C OVered C Onnecticut et3wa1e New York Ohio M3ine Pennsylvania Maryland Rhode Island MllSS3ChU5tltl Vermont Ne...
Страница 35: ...runsportuUon prepaid provided n Notice of the dulmed defect le given Seller within one 1 yenr from dnte of delivery and goods are returned In nccordance with 8eller R lnRtructlunl I b Pnrts not manufa...
Страница 36: ...tion portion of the warranty card to help us serve you better If you would like information on other SPOTMASTEa products or our latest catal ogue and price li s t please indicate in the comm_ nt _ _ c...
Страница 37: ...product infbrmation portion of the warranty card to help us serve you better If yo would like information on other SPOTMASTEJtll9 products or our latest catalogue and price list please indicate in the...