BRITA Tap – easy installation
Before starting, please check that you have all the components
listed above (see fig. 1) as well as the recommended tools.
There are 7 steps to the installation.
Prior to installation, read the "Technical Data" (chapter 7)
and the "Important Notes" (chapter 9). The system cannot
be installed with a low pressure boiler as this might lead to
water damages. After storage and transport below 0°C,
the product must be stored in the open original packaging
for at least 24 hours at the stated ambient temperatures
(chapter 7) for operation.
Step 1: Selecting the carbonate hardness
setting (A/B/C) on the filter head
The filter head offers three settings for medium hard water (A),
hard water (B) and very hard water (C). Please follow the instruc-
tions below to adjust to the right setting for your local water.
First carry out a carbonate hardness test using the supplied testing
strip. The strip can be found in the outer wrapping of these Usage
Using the testing strip:
• Immerse all reaction zones of the test strip in a glass of your
regular tap water (15 - 30 °C) for 1 second (not in running water!).
(fig. 2).
• Shake off excess liquid from the strip and after 1 min check how
many reaction zones changed their colour on the test strip.
Depending on the number of reaction zones that changed their
colour, we recommend setting your filter head as follows:
number of reaction
zones that changed
their colour
up to 1200 L
up to 600 L
up to 400 L
up to 3400L
up to 1700 L up to 1100 L
German Carbonate
Hardness [°dH]
up to 10
10 to 17
above 17 dH
English Carbonate
Hardness [°eH]
up to 13
13 to 21
above 21
French Carbonate
Hardness [°fH]
up to 18
18 to 30
above 30
Milligram per
Litre CaCO3
[mg/L CaCO3]
178 to 303
above 303
(fig. 2)
(fig. 3)
Now you can change the setting for the hardness of your water.
The filter head is set to "B" by default. To change the setting, use
an Allen key (4 mm). Turn in the direction of the arrow until the
"C" symbol appears in the window. Turn against the direction of
the arrow until the "A" symbol appears in the window (fig. 3). The
filter head contains a flow regulator already installed. It guarantees
smooth water flow from your BRITA Tap even at higher water
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