How to
perform a “cord
” to return
the ChickSafe to the open position ready for installation
or tying the cord to the open door:
The ChickSafe must be upright, in its installed position.
Disconnect the battery holder connector.
Wait 1 minute.
Gently pull the end of the cord down and keep gently pulling during the next few steps. It is
important to maintain some tension on the cord.
While pulling, refit the battery holder connector and still keep pulling gently.
Maintain tension on the cord. After 10 seconds the cord will be wound out for a second and
then start to wind in. Keep maintaining tension on the cord all the time until the motor stops.
Release the cord.
Disconnect the battery holder.
Reattach the cord to the door in its open position.
Reconnect the battery holder.
Tips for troubleshooting:
During installation the light is flashing every second
and the display shows “RESET”
Were the batteries connected before the door was installed? Perform a Cord Reset per the
instructions above and then follow the installation instructions again to correctly position
the door.
Is the door hitting a fixed stop at the top of its travel? If the door hits its fixed stop before
the ChickSafe unit reaches its own end stop it will lock the motor and may cause damage.
Untie the cord, perform a Cord Reset (instructions above) and then tie the door again in the
open position ensuring the door has some free travel left above it (25mm/1 inch).
Was the factory knot in the cord removed at some point? It is precisely located 9 inches (17
on later models) from the end of the cord to lift the bead and the arm at the upper limit
position (fully open). Removal of that knot will cause the unit to keep winding inwards until
the door hits it.
No light flashing at all / no motor movement / no display when a button is pressed:
Are the batteries old ones? Replace if there is any doubt.
Check each battery is fitted the correct way around. Take each one out and refit it to make
sure it is properly seated.
Unclip and refit the battery box connector to make sure it is properly connected.
Set the time and day after fitting the batteries.